T****** new website

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Jul 8, 2010
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Apologies if this is deemed to be advertising, it is not intended as such. Went onto Big T's website to see if the new catalogue was out and it (the website) has had a radical makeover. First impressions is its a big improvement, though maybe that wouldn't be too hard.

Re the catalogue, the link is there, but not working yet. BUT, if you replace the "new" at the start of the link to "www" then it works and the new catelogue appears (I'll let them know so hopefully it will be working soon).

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i cant get any of the links to work, i guess its still under construction
The website is quite slow, too many people looking at it perhaps.
Most links work though for me.
I accessed it with no problems, it's much easier to find things now.
But I agree it's a bit slow
Its working now, slowly. in this day and age you should be able to have hundreds of people access the same site with out any slowing up. I don't understand why such a large company spends so little on there IT set-up
The website is quite slow, too many people looking at it perhaps.
Most links work though for me.
I read somewhere (email response to a query?) that they were working on a new web ordering system that was closely integrated into the back end SAP ERP. Getting that working smoothly is not trivial, and it won't be cheap. You have start at some point in the year but I'd be wary of introducing it as trade is building for the season. However they haven't paid for my advice, so...
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I read somewhere (email response to a query?) that they were working on a new web ordering system that was closely integrated into the back end SAP ERP. Getting that working smoothly is not trivial, and it won't be cheap. You have start at some point in the year but I'd be wary of introducing it as trade is building for the season. However they haven't paid for my advice, so...

I agree its no small thing in cash or time, but it should have been done by a professional IT company and been fully tested before it was rolled out. So it should in fact work fast and smoothly straight out of the box as such.
I agree its no small thing in cash or time, but it should have been done by a professional IT company and been fully tested before it was rolled out. So it should in fact work fast and smoothly straight out of the box as such.
In theory.

An ERP needs a lot of configuration and the combination of options and external interfacrs is almost limitless in variability. The analysis of how whatever it replaces is being used is rarely complete. And there will be compromises the sales force never quite got round to mentioning. However 'professional' the build and thorough the testing, I've never seen an ERP that didn't need nursing for a few months, if not years.
Apologies if this is deemed to be advertising, it is not intended as such. Went onto Big T's website to see if the new catalogue was out and it (the website) has had a radical makeover. First impressions is its a big improvement, though maybe that wouldn't be too hard.

Re the catalogue, the link is there, but not working yet. BUT, if you replace the "new" at the start of the link to "www" then it works and the new catelogue appears (I'll let them know so hopefully it will be working soon).

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thanks for the info, shame you have to be so afraid of advertising!!!!
Just had a quick look, and found it SLOW, and was left looking at a white screen while waiting for each new sub-category to open.
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Originally Posted by alanf View Post
"I read somewhere (email response to a query?) that they were working on a new web ordering system that was closely integrated into the back end SAP ERP. Getting that working smoothly is not trivial, and it won't be cheap. You have start at some point in the year but I'd be wary of introducing it as trade is building for the season. However they haven't paid for my advice, so..."

If that's the same SAP as used by a UK wide service then they need all the help they can get.

There are so many simpler, easier infinitely expandable systems to use.
At last, they have actually included vat. A big bug bear of mine when you order and then the dreaded vat is placed at the end. At least i can see what price i am actually going to pay now.

Not that i buy alot from them.:rolleyes:
Love a duck. SAP ERP doesn't bother with what you had before, because when you embrace SAP you do your business the SAP way, like it or not.

SAP is normally a huge financial outlay involving implementation partners, who frankly may know a lot about SAP, but often not the particulars of the business they are flogging it into.

My advice, don't rely upon just-in-time orders this season. It sounds as if they are in for the long haul, one way and another.

It just about brought Bang & Olfsan to their knees a few years ago, but I guess that they turned it round eventually. ABAP or what? Guess how the system will have to be financed folks . . . dig deep!

Slow will improve, eventually.
I also had probs downloading the catalogue - there's clearly a missing link.

However, there is a way to do it.

When you click the 'Download Catalogue' on the Home page, you are directed to a second page with a link saying, "Download catalogue>". IGNORE THIS LINK.

Instead, click on the picture of the catalogue on the right hand side.
This functions ok.

Haven't had chance to have a look yet. Any price increases?
The only way is up now.

Any price increases?

Yes..price increases,i was trying to find how much the wax conversion prices had gone up,after waiting ages for several pages to upload on that clunky new website,going forward and backward...i gave up and phoned, as it was much quicker.
Peter Kemble imformed me that the wax he was buying in had gone up 50%,so was interested to compare. Example is that ten sheets of standard national wired brood has gone up from £8.15 to £9.50 from him, since last week.Thornes up from £9.65 to £10.23.
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