The spectrum of light that we see extends from red through to violet. We don't see infra red or ultra violet light, but may perceive the effects of it as the heating effects of IR or the secondary light given off by items that fluoresce under the influence of UV.
Bees vision starts nearer yellow through to ultra violet. They don't see infra red, red or TV.
[ the inclusion of TV above was a joke of course ]
It probably does no good having a droll sense of humour, but it it sure feels funny to me.
Propolising of an IR illuminator.- Think about this just a little bit and you will realise that they will propolise it not because they can see it, but because it compromises bee space rules. In your average hive and particularly at night, bees still operate. Everything is done by touch or under the influence of pheromones.
An illuminator would need to be built in such a way that it wouldn't stand out - flush with a side-wall. That way with a cool light source you might get away with it. After all in the Sysonby hive they don't attempt to propalise the glass as it doesn't break bee space rules (tactile). As was said, a warm light source encourages the bees to move away elsewhere.
I hope this helps.
PS Great bee cam Beewolf - thanks