"Swarmy" season - are we in for a second round?

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Well, not sure about a second 'swamy' round, but having a bit of a 'mare so far this year. Can't really work out what is happening, save that the bees are not reading the books. Eg Colony A making Q cells, so removed Q to queenless hive last week, and knocked back all but 1 Q cell. Colony A this week has both eggs and Q cells. Really not sure what is going on, or how. Couldn't find Q (big colony with 4 supers), so removed all but 1 Q cell again. Fingers crossed. Wondered whether the removed Q had returned, but pretty sure I clipped her, but maybe clipped both wings?? Elsewhere in other hives (mostly with 3-4 supers on) Q cells abundant, despite (obviously failed - nuc method) swarm control. Although looking at it from the other end I now have four nucs going great guns! Was intrigued by other thread about how often you replace your Q. This year I will have new Qs in all hives I suspect; not sure I've ever had one a Q for more than 2 years. Looking forward to the end of the OSR...!
Re extra queen cells. After removing the queen and reducing queen cells to 1 are you returning a week later to remove the emergency cells?
Re extra queen cells. After removing the queen and reducing queen cells to 1 are you returning a week later to remove the emergency cells?
Yes, starting to wonder if drifting bees are bringing eggs with them...
A long time ago Clive de Bruin showed how to do a "double tap" to get the bees off the frame. Hard to describe in words but essentially accelerate the frame downwards with thumbs and allow a gap to the index finger. When the thumb stops pressing down, frame crosses the gap and hits a now stationary index finger, resulting in a fast deceleration. Try it first with an empty frame ;)

When I am holding a frame my index fingers are under the frame lugs and my thumbs are pressing down on the tops of the lugs. How do you maintain a gap if you are holding a heavy frame. Are you pressing on the side bars?
When I am holding a frame my index fingers are under the frame lugs and my thumbs are pressing down on the tops of the lugs. How do you maintain a gap if you are holding a heavy frame. Are you pressing on the side bars?
While accelerating the frame downwards, thumb on top is pushing. The index finger needs to go down faster than the frame, creating the gap

We have lost many colonies in SE UK due to queen failures . I have not had a single swarm call, although waiting to supply 4 to beekeepers who lost all. Being on call for the BBKA swarm helpline, it seems Birmingham and N London is throwing up some swarms, but generally very quiet.
My 4 hives show no inclination to swarm ( though wish the horrible one would... I may find the queen then!!)
We have lost many colonies in SE UK due to queen failures . I have not had a single swarm call, although waiting to supply 4 to beekeepers who lost all. Being on call for the BBKA swarm helpline, it seems Birmingham and N London is throwing up some swarms, but generally very quiet.
My 4 hives show no inclination to swarm ( though wish the horrible one would... I may find the queen then!!)
I've had about 50% swarm and one colony the has made swarm preparations twice already.
So having split all my colonies one way or another recently, how long do you think it is "safe" before I need to examine for swarming preparation again (rather than just space & health)?
Thats a handy trick

The thread title- it appears they are off again.
I've had a call every day since Friday,couldn't attend the first two being stuck at work.
Hived up this morning's swarm got home and got another call.
It will be early doors tomorrow now.
The problem I'm having this year is people are leaving the swarm a few days before calling because they've been told they sometimes leave of their own accord.
Every time in this case the job has been less than clean- that's even when they haven't migrated into chimneys and soffits
Watch the victims faces drop when I tell them no.
I've only had 2 calls so far this year, one I couldn't get to soon enough so someone else collected. My bait hives have been going bonkers tho, I think I'm up to 7 now with continuing interest from scouts!
So far none of my hives have swarmed.
I know a number of "leave alone" beeks whose hives HAVE swarmed.
My bait hives have collected one of them.
No longer on swarm lists : I don't want to see tree bumbles masquerading as honey bees...:eek:
I made a split 5 weeks ago ,the Q+ part has drawn out and laid up a 9 frames of a brood box of foundation and filled 2 supers. Today I found multiple swarm cells ! Destroyed all the cells and removed 2 deep frames of nectar and gave them empty combs as well as adding another super. So for me round 2 has started after a month!