I've just lost sheds full of brood .
Although the weather here has been diabolical save for a very few days my queens have gone ballistic

Down side is ,having placed an empty super under each colony , (to provide a turbulence break according to the pundits).
Whats happened ? the inevitable of course ! , the colonies have expanded downwards instead of sideways. on all the central frames (14x12s, now 14x16s).
The only way out I could see was to cut off the extensions and sacrifice the brood

Moral of the story, 1 don't repeat the vain exercise with the under supers .
2 don't follow suggestions blindly as they aren't always fully researched.
Up side is I have had plenty of brood to sift through for varroa mites (haven't spotted one

Also a small colony headed by a late ,late, quenn has come through this excepional winter /spring . Still small but time is now on her side

John Wilkinson.
Ps another plus perhaps, is ,it's probably held them back enough to stay thoughts of early swarming !