New Bee
I'm looking for some advice about a swarm I picked up on Monday. It's the first swarm I have collected and I currently have one other hive.
Having collected it I put them in a poly nuc with five undrawn frames and within half an hour they absconded. They were in a nearby hedge so I collected them again and changed the entrance to the queen excluder.
On Tuesday a lot were on the sides and underneath. I fed them at this point.
The next day they were all on the underside of the nuc, hanging off the mesh. The queen was inside with two other bees only! so I put them back in and put the nuc on a board to decrease the gap below as well as putting up a ramp to stop them flying under the entrance. The food was gone and no comb was drawn out on the frames.
This morning I checked on them again. I topped it up the food and put the ones I could back in the nuc. Quite a few were feeding but I expect they will all leave again.
So as far as I can tell some further options would be
1. to swap in a brood frame from my other hive. I have just seen this suggestion on another post.
2. Leave them and see if they figure it out
3. Increase the size of nuc/hive? I don't have any thing else available at the moment so would need to order. Having never collected a swarm before I can't really judge the size but if it was too small would they all leave and beard ?
4. Let them go....
Any advice greatly appreciated (other than don't collect a swarm in July
Many thanks
I'm looking for some advice about a swarm I picked up on Monday. It's the first swarm I have collected and I currently have one other hive.
Having collected it I put them in a poly nuc with five undrawn frames and within half an hour they absconded. They were in a nearby hedge so I collected them again and changed the entrance to the queen excluder.
On Tuesday a lot were on the sides and underneath. I fed them at this point.
The next day they were all on the underside of the nuc, hanging off the mesh. The queen was inside with two other bees only! so I put them back in and put the nuc on a board to decrease the gap below as well as putting up a ramp to stop them flying under the entrance. The food was gone and no comb was drawn out on the frames.
This morning I checked on them again. I topped it up the food and put the ones I could back in the nuc. Quite a few were feeding but I expect they will all leave again.
So as far as I can tell some further options would be
1. to swap in a brood frame from my other hive. I have just seen this suggestion on another post.
2. Leave them and see if they figure it out
3. Increase the size of nuc/hive? I don't have any thing else available at the moment so would need to order. Having never collected a swarm before I can't really judge the size but if it was too small would they all leave and beard ?
4. Let them go....
Any advice greatly appreciated (other than don't collect a swarm in July

Many thanks