Swarm moved in - advice please

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New Bee
Jun 12, 2020
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Hive Type
On the 9th May a swarm arrived in my garden and moved in to an empty hive. The hive has a brood box and two supers. As yet I have not inspected the hive and have not given any supplements apart from providing sugar water outside of the hive. My only previous experience of a new hive has been with a nuc that already came with 5 frames. Any advice on next steps, whether I should inspect soon and whether I should provide additional food? Many thanks.
I hope there were frames in all the boxes otherwise you will have loads of wild comb.i would remove the supers for the moment and feed with a feeder rather than from outside the hive if they need it. If they were mine I would possibly treat for varroa. I would inspect when all seemed calm and the weather was good just to see what was going on
Swarm moved in

Thanks Enrico and Dani

There were frames in the boxes.
I will post again once I have inspected.
Pls don’t feed your bees outside and I would inspect ASAP if your frames had been in there from your previous nuc you could find an unholy mess.

Okay, thanks Ian. I do have an internal feeder the same shape as a brood frame but it leaks so I will order a new one.
Just get a bucket and punch a few holes in the lid, check the stores in the hive though the weathers improving so may not need it. Ian

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