Hi all. A family in my village have bees in their chimney (and, for reasons we all know, the local BKA won't deal with swarms in chimneys, and the local council's pest controllers won't deal with bees). They believe it is a swarm which took up residence on Monday, and - looking at the activity to try and estimate the size - I would say there is a chance it is a prime swarm.
Last night, I took a look, in the hope (ever the optimist) that the chimney pot would be safely accessible with a long ladder, and that the bees would be building comb off the cowl. Sadly, however, it's not going to be possible to get near to them without risk to life and limb - certainly without e.g. a cherry picker.
As such, I've had to leave it for now, but have left a poly nuc, with 2 old brood frames, and laced with lemongrass oil, in the close vicinity of the chimney. That said and done, I suspect the chances of the bees deciding to vacate the chimney in favour of the nuc at this stage are very slim.
I have suggested that a smoky fire might be enough to encourage the bees to leave, and that they might try this on Saturday, assuming the nuc has not lured them in by then. I have discussed this with another beekeeper, and judge that the limited amount of comb they will have built in the meantime is likely not to pose a serious risk of a chimney fire, or have blocked the flue. That said, I am coming around to the idea of them trying smoke pellets instead - especially having seen this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdDSq46O5Tw (!!!)
- Any thoughts on the chances of success 1) of the nuc, and 2) of the smoking-out ?
- Any other thoughts, alternative suggestions or similar experiences ?
- Any ideas as to whom they should turn if (/when) this fails ? I can only suggest a professional pest control outfit, and suspect they would exterminate the bees
Basically, heeeelp !, please !!
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...Do you think I have nailed it ??
.Tomorrow will tell !
John - thanks for the helpful comments - we have now put some smoke up the chimney, and as the whole effort is only a partial success (for me - not the homeowner - see update below) they have contacted ABM and are potentially planning to go down that route to sort the chinmey out - which will at least mean that they can get a professional job done and the chimney fully sorted with mesh etc... so cheersTry ABM pest control of Mansfield (video on YouTube of him clearing a chimney)
I'd try beequick vapour up the chimney first
Oh ye of little faith Martin L ... I am actually pretty happy that the tape is not (and was never) really required; it was only there for some additional peace of mind (which is a good job, the way it has (not) stuck/held)Maybe NOT
Tomorrow might see the black tape given out & everything down on the ground, crushing everything it meets on its way!![]()
- - - - - - - -
Smoking: Failed …
only one of the stacks was functional, and we only discovered which, by setting the smoke off on the hearth of the 'live' fireplace.
the wind was actually carrying said smoke across to the other pot, and when it did in decent volumes, the bees were getting so agitated that they were evacuating,
, having seen that, they would have fled if the smoke had gone up their stack ..... Aaargh.
Without this forum though that would not have been an option and we would sadly have
had to resort to more permanent extraction / extermination methods which we are very
pleased has not been necessary. Thanks again!
Hi all, just to add in here, I live at the house in question
We are going to appoint ABM from Mansfield to remove the bees from the chimney, he’ll come out in the next 3-4 weeks and seal up the chimney to keep out any future bees looking for a new home.
Sorry, by seal up I mean prevent bees getting in - bee mesh thing so i’m told.