Swarm Cell?

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House Bee
May 3, 2010
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Hi Guys
Had a look at the girls today and found this cell in the super.
I overwintered on a National brood box and a more or less full super of stores.
There are still plenty of stores in the brood box with eggs larvea and plenty of capped brood - and still lots of room.
Any sugestions about the cell and action to take if any.
Here's what I found in a strong hive with 3 frames of brood (national equivalent) - mostly sealed, but although 4 or 5 day old worker larvae no sign of eggs. the hive was last inspected on 9th October when the marked queen was spotted. No sign of her today but because a breeze had sprung up I didn't hang about so may have missed her. A lot of bees in the hive. Nothing in the cell. 10 or 12 worker cells with drone brood in them (raised cappings).

Looks like S/C cell.
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to my eyes, PeterS's cell looks like a play cup, is it empty or capped??

Les, yours looks like it's capped, is it?

was that the only one in the colony?
It's empty, not capped.
When I marked the queen I only got half the blob of paint on her so it may have been licked off. Next time I'll have a good look for her.
Hi taff
It's capped and yes it's the only one - there are no eggs or capped brood in the supers just stores and that cell.
Les - that doesn't look like a Q cell to me. If anything it looks like a bit of comb hanging down. A closer pic might help as turning sideways to see it is awkward!
A closer image - before I shook off the bees.
No...that's just a bit of malformed comb

edit - there's probably a gap in the comb on the adjoining frame
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I am going to lop it off in the morning - will report back if it contains anything.
Hi Guys
Had a look today and it's malformed comb - that looks like a Q cell!!!
Thanks for all your help and PM's.
I now have some eggs in the super so I am now on a brood and a half.

Are you on an OMF? That may be why she is laying upstairs (it's warmer), but she will naturally lay top downwards, anyway. Inserting a Q/E will solve that problem in 3 weeks time (as long as she is downstairs at the time!).

WRT your 'cell' You will come to recognise that any comb with 'foundation' sized dimples is burr, brace or whatever. A queen cell will have smaller dimples on the structure, particularly as you get nearer the 'capping end'.

Regards, RAB
Your are right I am on an OMF and will sort out with the Q/E in time.
I have noted your comments about the dimples and will try not to get 'caught out' again.

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