Noticed this too the cap popping... solution is to make sure you use a generator with enough start up ooomph to power the unit and dry fresh OA.

our 5 seasons old Sublimox died yesterday.... had been running it with a converter and a leisure battery, and more recently using one of the 2 stroke 700W suitcase generators.
Searching through the net it seems that "low power" on startup can cause an extended start up time which reduces the life of the sensor and heating element.....
Green and yellow LEDs illuminate... unit bleeps and yellow LED goes off
Insert cap with OA turn over and sublimate away
Green and yellow LEDs illuminate..... yellow goes off ready for next cap
Fault status is the green LED flashing with a bleep.... or the unit not heating up at all.
However... Contacted manufacturer in Italy who will refurbrish and repair for approx 70 Euro plus return postage.
WHAT A PALAVA... bloomin Brexit means exporting unit, arranging paperwork for that... then reimporting plus paperwork for that... plus postage and fees!
Abello to the rescue... new Sublimox being delivers this PM
Plus a New 1800 4 stroke generator (IMPAX Screwfix) delivered this morning.
Not wishing to chuck the faulty Sublimox in the bin... I contacted an old friend who is in the Export Import business to see if he could send the Sublimox to Italy for me.......
Said that Main Post Office had given me the wrong information and I did not need to fill in a three page document or pay silly fees....SWMBO posted off at local sub post office for £13.00 using a simple customs declaration form( which apparently not all post offices have or have been made aware of!)
Just to add insult to injury the electric AGA went tits up yesterday.... and that is going to cost substantially more than replacing a dodgy Sublimox!
Chons da