Still dropping 100 mites/day 12 days after OA. What would you do?

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Queen Bee
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 27, 2012
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As per one of my posts a few months ago I decided (rightly or wrongly) not to treat for varroa in August because daily mite-drops were repeatedly less than 5 on all hives.
I applied dribbled oxalic acid solution to all seven hives 12 days ago. I only had 4 varroa boards to hand and the daily varroa counts on those hives has dropped from 13 - 100 mites (day 2) to 1-5 (day 12). On day 5 I belatedly made up boards for the remaining three hives. One of these hives showed 200 mites (day 6) and this colony is still dropping 50-100 daily.
I assume this indicates very heavy infestation in that hive (which was one of three hives that kept superseding in the summer from scrubby-looking queen cells).
What would you do - repeat OA (contrary to accepted dogma)?
- apply MAQ (never used these before)?
- other?
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Still dropping 100 mites/day 12 days after OA. What would you do?..............
Not assume a low natural mite drop means bees are mite free next year.

..and not worry yet - mites don't begin to drop until a good few days after OA and the drop may last a good few weeks after.
If you trickle again you will kill too many bees. Either hope you have killed enough mites or use Amitraz.
It is normal that mite dropping continues 4 weeks.
And even after that because plenty OF dead mites ARE inside empty cells. Bees clean them later off.

Don't give Another dosage because the last is in its half way.
Accepted dogma........there ARE 6 years intensive reseaches behind that "dogma".

Bad situation Tells that you should do those late summer treatments.
Yeah, I should do the same
Hi Amari,
Thanks for sharing your experience with the forum and happy new year.
………with the benefit of the retrospectoscope.[/QUOTE]
Yes, great bit of kit isn't it - getting rid of mine as I'm fed up of kicking myself for not doing whatever a diferent way in the first place! :D
It is normal that mite dropping continues 4 weeks.
And even after that because plenty OF dead mites ARE inside empty cells. Bees clean them later off.

Don't give Another dosage because the last is in its half way.

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