Statue to Tony Blair

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Feb 22, 2012
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OK if Margaret Thatcher was so dreadful (at least it was politics based on ideology not "what do want me to promise to do to get your vote")
Most people forget the Unions ,and the awful mess of the 60s and 70s and the endless idiotic strikes ,or for that matter weren't around then but know all about Thatcher anyway
Harold Wilson closed more pits than the Tories and decimated the Railways
Gordon Brown ruined Final Salary Pension schemes and sold the Gold and then borrowed so much money it lead materially to today's austerity
How about a statue to Tony Blair for services to truth and integrity in politics
if they built a statue for him it would get vandalised because of the gulf wars.
They all end with paintings or busts of themselves in Parliament at some point anyway. I can't think of a PM that left office in good graces; maybe John Major who seemed a likable chap. I had a bit of a soft spot for Gordon Brown as well.
Brown was a blustering fool, weak and spineless. Still an MP but no-one sees him.. just a good Labour chap taking a salary..

At least Maggie had a brick in her handbag when we were threatened by an invasion.

Blair. I would personally go and spray any statue with field fertiliser. A liar and a very rich one too. Responsible for many deaths and maimed young men.

But I must stop sitting on fences!
Brown was a blustering fool, weak and spineless.

I don't think Brown was a leader, he's undoubtedly a smart guy and I believe he sincerely thought he went into politics to do good things. Unfortunately he lacked any of the actual political ability to achieve much.
OK if Margaret Thatcher was so dreadful (at least it was politics based on ideology not "what do want me to promise to do to get your vote")
Most people forget the Unions ,and the awful mess of the 60s and 70s and the endless idiotic strikes ,or for that matter weren't around then but know all about Thatcher anyway
Harold Wilson closed more pits than the Tories and decimated the Railways
Gordon Brown ruined Final Salary Pension schemes and sold the Gold and then borrowed so much money it lead materially to today's austerity
How about a statue to Tony Blair for services to truth and integrity in politics

I'd chuck money in the hat to get one of the grinning jackanapes dangling from a gibbet.
I once sat listening to two elderly American's ... one call Smucker and one called Kellogg ... household names in the US ! They were discussing politics ... one asked the other 'who was your favourite President' .. the other said 'Well, I guess that would have to be Gerald Ford'.. the other replied ...'For goodness sake why - he did absolutely NOTHING !' ... 'Exactly' ...said the other.

Perhaps the most popular figures in politics are those who actually achieve nothing !
The problem with Prime Ministers is that are only voicing the politics of the party.

John Major in a politcal discussion now talks more sense than anybody ever does when they are the leader. Dont know why we are paying for his bodyguards though. Bit pointless wanting to hard an ex PM.
Brown was a blustering fool, weak and spineless. Still an MP but no-one sees him.. just a good Labour chap taking a salary..

At least Maggie had a brick in her handbag when we were threatened by an invasion.

Blair. I would personally go and spray any statue with field fertiliser. A liar and a very rich one too. Responsible for many deaths and maimed young men.

But I must stop sitting on fences!
Blair responsible? Do you honestly think that no other party would have danced to America's tune? They all would.

Advance intelligence of impending invasion and doing nowt until it's happened, for political gain and the deaths and horrific injuries, so that's ok then?
OK if Margaret Thatcher was so dreadful (at least it was politics based on ideology not "what do want me to promise to do to get your vote")

What, like 'call me Dave' with the Europe vote 'vote for me in the next election and I'll call a referendum' (I know of a few promises he's broken this time, so, sorry slaparseface - do it now if you're seriuous)

How about a statue to Tony Blair for services to truth and integrity in politics
Tell you what - we could save a bit of money, have a combined statue of blair kissing thatcher's a*se (they were both tories anyway) and put it up in the Bigg market in Newcastle

At least Maggie had a brick in her handbag when we were threatened by an invasion.

We? the Falklands, an inhospitable rock in the South Atlantic and a derelict whaling station, although I do agree the argies should keep away and deserved a good trouncing - makes a change from the french and the krauts!

Blair. Responsible for many deaths and maimed young men.
and the butcher's bill for a short sharp war in the Falklands?
all buried on the spot miles from home.
Met a few Falklands vets - one ex Royal marine, left after that 'left sitting on the runway at Ascension and forgotten about' was his comment.
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We? the Falklands, an inhospitable rock in the South Atlantic and a derelict whaling station, although I do agree the argies should keep away and deserved a good trouncing - makes a change from the french and the krauts!

and the butcher's bill for a short sharp war in the Falklands?
all buried on the spot miles from home.
Met a few Falklands vets - one ex Royal marine, left after that 'left sitting on the runway at Ascension and forgotten about' was his comment.

There are a number of key differences - as in the death tolls.. 255 vs 337..- but they key difference was in outcomes.

The Falklands is still British.. 32 years after the war..
Afghanistan? If the Taliban don't recapture Afghanistan within 10 years of our leaving I (and many others) will be surprised. Very.

Those who decry Blair as a Tory are basically saying Labour voters are gullible fools.
Gordon Brown ruined Final Salary Pension schemes and sold the Gold and then borrowed so much money it lead materially to today's austerity

No on both counts. Robert Maxwell/insufficient regulation undid final salary pension schemes.

And the fear-driven regulation following Maxwell gradually heaped more burdens on the structure.

As for austerity, that is a direct result of ineffective regulation allowing an emperor's new clothes scenario to be repeated (then securitised, packaged and sold to an unsuspecting market) in many of the major markets.

Fear and greed are great motivators, but in our comfortable post-war/post-cold war bubble, we forgot to fear and greed ran away with our savings...
Meanwhile Tory Tony - now allegedly worth £70Million - is considering funding ... the Labour Party...

Rearrange the following words to make a well known phrase "make it up you could not"..

Those who decry Blair as a Tory are basically saying Labour voters are gullible fools.

Well, as a card carrying active Labour party member there is a saying in the valleys ' pin a red rose on a donkey and it would win' it's not that people are necessarily gullible, a lot just vote for 'their' party and don't really look at the candidate. When Blair first got in there wasn't really an alternative - and the second, well........
As for the donkey analogy - read the story of the present leader of Carmarthenshire county council. His late father, my next door neighbour, a true socialist poor bugger must be spinning in his grave now!
For all his slimeyness the Blair government did loads to revamp education, alleviate child poverty and make it possible for struggling families to better their lot by actually going out to work rather than being stuck in a benefits trap.
Anyone want to argue that these are bad things?
show me a politician with integrity and I'll show you an expert liar

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