It’s a device with 50 entomology pins spaced correctly so you push into a patch of sealed brood at approx purple eye stage. This kills the pupa. You use with a cut out rhomboid of 100 cells and mark the frame first with 4 dots at the corner of each rhomboid.What's that, please?
This then gives you a ‘control’ patch of 50 cells and 50 with the pins. You come back a few hours later and count how many brood cells have been removed. Some colonies will remove 95%+ and these are hygienic ie better at removing dead larva / more likely to have some disease resistance. The nurse bees can pick up if a larva is dead and will open the cell and remove. Other colonies might only remove say 50%. Gives you an idea which colonies are good at detecting disease.
So if that’s one of your selection criteria that queen could perhaps be a breeder queen in the future. It’s different to VSH (varroa sensitive hygiene) the pin test won’t tell you that.
I’m going to do it on all mine this year
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