When i had some hives stolen they took two days to arrive, were more interested to see if my truck was taxed etc, gave me a crime number, and i never heard from them again.
They seem to make a habit of doing this kind of thing........and nothing else...........
I got an urgent call from the farm across ,telling me that she and her daughter were in an upstairs room watching a guy sussing out the farm and it's buildings! And that he had left and was heading in the shadow of the hedge towards a car parked on the lane ? I picked him out at this juncture and watched him climb in his car via the passenger door .
I challenged him , told him we were on high alert (I had been burgled only the week before) . I took note of him, his vehicle reg. colour ,make and model.
The next evening a girl walked past my place and gave it a good looking over!
I remarked to my missus."she's looking for CCTV" "No says she, you are paranoid"
Next morning I reversed out of my drive touched the breaks , there were none !
Yep! The brake pie had been cut!
I phoned the old bill . Told them the whole story plus all the details , their response was ." That would be revenge . We need witnesses when dealing with malicious damage to a motor vehicle" I pointed out that attempted murder would be a more accurate description as I could easily have taken a family out had one been coming down the lane .
They didn't even offer a crime number or show any kind of interest whatsoever !
I have a large poker with a heavy phosphor bronze business end !
I have it to poke the fire of course.
No wonder the crime figures are supposedly done

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