So true!

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Over a bit from Russia not far from Japan... Quite a big country with a wall around most of it that can be seen from space.

Nadelik Lowen
Draw draw yn Tseina a thiroed Siapan - plant bach melynion sy'n byw
Dim ond eilunod o'u cylch ymhob man - neb yn sôn am Duw
Iesu cofia'r plant! Iesu cofia'r plant!
Anfon genhadon ymhell dros y byd
Iesu cofia'r plant.
Draw draw yn Tseina a thiroed Siapan - plant bach melynion sy'n byw
Dim ond eilunod o'u cylch ymhob man - neb yn sôn am Duw
Iesu cofia'r plant! Iesu cofia'r plant!
Anfon genhadon ymhell dros y byd
Iesu cofia'r plant.
I’m struggling to find a good reason for this ........ scratch head!!
Over a bit from Russia not far from Japan... Quite a big country with a wall around most of it that can be seen from space.

Nadelik Lowen
If we look at the figures of cases, Chenese government seems to be the most successful. No pandemic, no lockdown, but growing economy.
Draw draw yn Tseina a thiroed Siapan - plant bach melynion sy'n byw
Interesting language. Complitely different from English. Is it still spoken?
If we look at the figures of cases, Chenese government seems to be the most successful. No pandemic, no lockdown, but growing economy.

Interesting language. Complitely different from English. Is it still spoken?

Interesting that the Chinese economy is growing again...... conspiracy theories aside
Welsh is spoken but lots of Welsh people don’t speak it.
Emyr is the expert.
I live in Ceredigion where everybody ( apart from us expats) speaks it. It’s the first language and even little children are bilingual.