Snelgrove 2 Question about supering please

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Drone Bee
Sep 6, 2015
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Hi People,

Well, despite my best efforts my nuc/now brood and a half with a honey super has made preparations to swarm.

There are other factors but my question is:

I have the parent colony on brood and a half now minus the honey super. That is on the artificial swarm with only two frames off eggs and young larvae.

The original brood and a half is quite packed with bees, although the will thin out due to the fliers going to the new site. If I followed the rules of adding supers, I would say they need one. Would you add a fresh super to the parent colony?

Any input appreciated,

I wouldn't
You will be taking the queen out shortly and there will be a significant brood break and the foragers will not be replaced for a while.
They have two frames of foundation to play with already
BUT...keep an eye on them
I understand. Thank you. I hope they break down the current queen cells pronto. I suspect they are very close to being sealed in the parent hive! Fingers crossed.

It doesn't look like its much depleted so far. Many confused bees gathered in the entrance of the moved parent hive and the other is like the marie celeste this evening.
At first one meter, but having noticed this issue they are now about 3m.
1 metre is why all the bees have gone back to their queen.
Lets hope it's a good flying day tomorrow and they all go back to their old site
That's a shame. I think I misunderstood the 'at least 3 feet' apart as sufficient. It's all about the lessons learned I guess. It's forecast nice weather tomorrow.

Let's hope they haven't orientated to their new location.
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Also, I can't spell metre. Thanks for the help. Appreciate it.
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let me just get this straight.
You moved the complete colony to one side.
On the site where the colony was (position #1) you put a new hive with frames and foundation.
You then put two frames of open brood into that hive.
You then moved the original hive with the queen, colony QC's etc three feet and a bit away from position #1.

Am I right so far?
Yes Sir. Plus the original super on the new hive in old location.
Should add that having noticed the bees returning to the parent colony I moved them further apart. It was later in the day though and I suspect quite a lot were back. I may have muffed up the bleeding off of flying bees.
I see then you moved them nine feet away - my feeling is that at first they were a bit too close. hopefully tomorrow they'll get sorted.
I wouldn't have bothered with a super on the Q- side, they're going to be busy enough drawing wax for a while yet (and you're giving them young bees which you don't want to do.) I'd just move it tomorrow on to the Q+ side. They won't have much use for it at the monet, but in a few days they'll have flying bees again and once you make them Q- and the brood emerges they'll have little else to do but forage until the new queen mates.
Thanks. My brain is frazzled after all the wrangling. I think I may have just followed the snellgrove 2 document to move the honey super but I may have made that up.

I see the logic and will move it tomorrow. Thanks.
JBM Wally Shaw has supers on the Q- box...presumably because he recommends drawn comb

Here you are
After the split you have:
New box on the old site with two frames of young brood no bees. Filled with drawn comb is best but a mix of drawn and foundation will do.

Old box 3 metres away, at least, with the Queen. frames pushed together and two frames of foundation at each end.

Wally Shaw has a super in the picture because he is working on brood and a half.


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Is suppose it saves having to feed the new two frame box as well.
So, went back today. There is the majority of activity around the artificial swarm and now the parent moved colony is the quiet one. That is as it should be. Hopefully I have got away with it.

In the video the first hive in view is the moved parent colony.
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Thanks for the help. I shall probably be back when I mess up the next stage haha.
Question about phase 2 please.

The guide says after day 9-10, knock the queen cells down on the Q- side and add the queen back in. Presumably that's after they have sealed a queen cell or two.

If I have a rummage tomorrow on day 8 and find sealed queen cells could I do the phase 2 a day early? Or is it a strict minimum?

And I take it I can just either pluck the queen from a frame or catch her in a pot and place direct into the Q- side.

I don't suppose a day early will make much difference. Here's what I do. Find the queen and put her somewhere safe. I use a marking cage, one of those plunger ones. Break down the QCs in the box then pop her in between two frames. Done

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