slurry setting off smoke alarms??

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Oct 4, 2010
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Mourne mountains
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Can slurry set off fire alarms? i have been working in a house and both yesterday and today three smoke alarms in the house have been screaming for hours when fields only yards from the back and front door have been getting covered in slurry,it can't be anything else and have never heard of this happening before????

Plausible. Remove one and carry it upwind and not upwind? Soon getva result, I would expect. A bit difficult if mains operated, I suppose. Perhaps not just smoke, but flammable gass detectors? Methane?

Light a match, of you blow up you know the detectors were right! :)
they are mains supplied, even with the trip off they were still singing away, in the end i had to get out of it, painting is hard enough at times without listening to that racket.
Can slurry set off fire alarms? . . . . three smoke alarms in the house have been screaming for hours when fields only yards from the back and front door have been getting covered in slurry,it can't be anything else . . . . . . .Darren

. . . . . . painting is hard enough at times without listening to that racket.

Slurry has a bad rep at the moment due to recent events in NI.

However, the presence of any gas/vapour (that expels or is denser than oxygen) will render the breathable atmosphere deadly in a very much shorter time than most poisons take time to become effective.

i.e. it is not the noxious gas that kills.
It's just the lack of breathable air.
The casualties will have no warning at all, no quickening respiratory rate etc. Just collapse and death through asphyxiation! :facts:

Couldn't it be the paint fumes?
Have a similar problem in my trade with the mains type / non movable units

You could try a plastic bag over the unit to isolate it from the immediate surroundings, that usually shuts them up.
It sounds like they have a battery backup for mains failure.
Turn of the mains, remove from ceiling mount, just a twist normally, and then remove battery.
Result silence.

It was only water based paint and i am in different houses every week decorating and this has never happened before, plus the front and back doors were both open so a draft was going through the house,
each day within 5 minutes of the slurry going on the fields the alarms went off, the field out the front of the house is no more than 15yards at the most, it couldn't have been anything else really.

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