I got a my first swarm into my hive back in May, i had a hive with undrawn frames that i introduced them to. Fast forward a few months and the bees have drawn 4 frames of brood, queen is laying on these 4, and one other frame which the bees are storing with honey. There are still 4 frames untouched. I have been regularly feeding with a 1:1 sugar mixture in a rapid feeder, and the bees seem to be very active in the day when i sit and watch. I have not put any supers on yet as my mentor has told me to wait until they have filled the frames in the brood box.
My question is should i put some supers on top (with a queen excluder) to encourage some honey stores? or should I put some undrawn frames in between the brood frames. I'm worried they are not doing enough to survive the winter, I'm not going to harvest this year.
My hive is East facing with the frames facing the entrance to the hive (cold facing ?).
My question is should i put some supers on top (with a queen excluder) to encourage some honey stores? or should I put some undrawn frames in between the brood frames. I'm worried they are not doing enough to survive the winter, I'm not going to harvest this year.
My hive is East facing with the frames facing the entrance to the hive (cold facing ?).