Should have kept my mouth shut..

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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
A couple of weeks ago my wife suggested we get one of those little tool shed things for the back garden.."to put your bee stuff in"
I pretended I didnt hear...

What I did hear a few minutes later was

I then said a very very stupid thing.......

"for that much you might as well get a small shed"

Off to B&Q.........of the dozens they show online they ony have about 3 on display and they should be in the skip.

Went elsewhere and bought a bigger better quality one for a bigger price.

Paving stones........Laying them is not the difficult part....its getting them home....... Load onto trolley...Unload from trolley into car. Unload from car to front drive,......carry from front to back garden.

Spend a day digging up cheery tree roots..........

New brackets for fence posts...


Getting rid of rubbish.

and the bloody shed isnt even here yet.........
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......and when it does arrive, it will never, ever be big enough. Sheds never are. Mine (bee stuff only) is crammed to the gunnels.

You're getting a shed stop moaning, she's probably hoping you'll spend all your days out there - like mine does.
Build a three # car garage instead... that will do the job and you can get a mortgage to finance it...

# it will soon be full or bee stuff and rubbish so you need to park any car(s) outside.

Been there..
Build a three # car garage instead... that will do the job and you can get a mortgage to finance it...

# it will soon be full or bee stuff and rubbish so you need to park any car(s) outside.

Been there..

Already got 3 cars and a camper van.
I'm hoping that her vintage bike will go in the new shed and make room in the other shed so I can out my not known about r/c helicopters back in there which at present are hidden in the camper van.
You can never have enough sheds. i
I have one (the old wash house) which SWMBO also sometimes frequents - it has some bee stuff in.
I have the official bee shed (the converted 'modern' outside toilet near the back door) Which has most (ahem) of my bee kit in - tools, fodant, 'medicines' QX's , smokers and other paraphenalia.
Around the corner is my general shed (the old coal shed)which has my carpentry tools, table saw, pig killing bench, lawnmower and some beekeeping stuff - namely burco boilers, the odd hundred frames 'ready magazine' (the rest are in the attic) foundation some (well ten) put together supers, the odd one or twenty flat packs etc.
At the top of the garden is the old covered dog run which most of the in use kit - supers with drawn comb and foundation, spare broods, half a dozen or so nucs, roofs etc (which SWMBO is aware of as it's on the way to the chickens)
At the top of the garden is also the original outside toilet next to the old pig sty, covered in Wisteria which I think I shall tidy up and utilise this year (Hmm,pigsty - there's potential there as well!)
And there's the other shed which contains all my feeders, crown boards, kieler nucs etc - I'm proud of this one - it has even evaded the attempts of a fellow beek to find it - even though he had permission to go and get some kit from there!.
I also have a nice big space (twenty feet square or so) between the dog run and the greenhouse ripe for development.
and as for the plot where the apairy is..........................................
I just finished my second b shed.... The first wasn't nearly big enough!
Mine is being built as we speak (type)
8metre x 3 metres
Hopefully it should be big enough for the next few years
Also have 10ft x 8ft at allotment full of bee stuff
My kit is in the bee shed which is a partitioned part of a quadruple garage. There is more in a large shed at the bottom of the garden, the kitchen, the sun room and in a garden store at the apiary,
I need a BIG building so it's all in one place

Then there's an extracting room to dream about.
I've got only four hives, for heaven's sake!!!

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