Scientific evidence for honey-based cures

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I was searching for drinks to Make with honey and came across this drink on Wikipedia

Apparently Krupnik was also used as a common medicinal disinfectant to Polish soldiers in World War II.

If you use google scholar to search (e.g. honey medicinal) then you should get some scientific research results.
Also have a look at American Association of Apitherapy.

honey is antiseptic, antibiotic and hygroscopic. It sounds like it would be an ideal wound dressing, and I am sure that there have been successful hospital trials of "honey plasters" - the main reason I dont think its use has had proper clinical trials is the cost of honey, it is not commercially viable compared with other treatments.

Do a search for 'honey wound dressing'. This was one of the first results
Wound dressings were clinically trialled in Australia successfully some time ago.

Wound dressings were clinically trialled in Australia successfully some time ago.


My mother was a district nurse and was using honey way back in the 1960's to treat leg ulcers. It seemed to be successful when conventional treatment had failed.
try this. Involved in cancer research and there is evidence (albeit in low impact journals) that polyphenols in honey are likely to possess anti-cancer properties. Clearly would need further verification in a range of model systems but in short a startign point for an article
I have prescribed honey dressings before for our district nurses to use in the recent past. I'm sorry I don't know the research behind it. The dressings are all in the bnf (british national formulary)
Fishlock's Wales it was on last night. Shame you cannot view it online. Lint and honey used for dressings since 1500BC, Henry V was wounded just below the eye by an arrow, if he had died we would not have had Henry Tudor nor Elizabeth 1. Pioneering medieval surgery performed on the prince who was wounded in battle, the skill and ingenuity of the doctor who saved his life with a tool made within 24 hours to extract the arrow head.