save our barn owls

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Better stock up on rat poison then. Damned if I'm paying through the nose for someone with a half day course certificate costing 50p to charge me a fortune for killing the hordes of rats in our area.
50p? That's expensive!
Our neighbours had a terrible rat problem until we moved in (with six cats). Generally they prey on rats, but they did manage to get a jay through the cat flap.
... the issue I have is that, once you've signed one of their petitions, you are bombarded with requests to sign other petitions ...
Set up another email id on gmail or whatever for anyone likely to spam you. That includes pretty much any commercial, charitable or social media organisation these days. Check it only when you have to. If it is likely to be a one off, try for a disposable address.

Other online strategies are available.
. the issue I have is that, once you've signed one of their petitions, you are bombarded with requests to sign other petitions .. regardless of whether they have any relevance or not.

I signed one a couple of years ago and i get requests every other week ..

Maybe you should start a petition demanding tighter controls?
Set up another email id on gmail or whatever for anyone likely to spam you. That includes pretty much any commercial, charitable or social media organisation these days. Check it only when you have to. If it is likely to be a one off, try for a disposable address.

Other online strategies are available.

Yes ... that's good advice and I do have an alias for things that I think are likely to harvest my email address and pass it on... I even use wrong spellings in my name to see where stuff has originated from.

I got suckered into using my 'regular' email address with the first Avaaz petition I signed ... big mistake. In fairness they don't seem to pass your email address to anyone else - unlike a lot of firms do - and some BIG names in the charity business (I assume qualified email address lists are worth big bucks !).
Not sure whether this should be posted here, health &pesticides section or the great outdoors smallholding section. Please sign up anyway and add your name to the petition.

First they remove it's habitat and when the rats get out of hand, they are poisoning the very bird which preys on these things! Good ennit!

Probably down to dimwit paterson again, so need all the support they can get.

signed and thanks for the heads up!
No good trying to petition against anything we've been gagged, so no more power to the people

Why would anyone make and sell humane rat traps, what would you do with a captured rat.......... I can't see any other option but to kill it

I agree that cats are the best way of getting rid of a rat problem, four of my kittens went to a farm in north Devon just before Christmas for that reason
I would agree with you. What is humane about leaving a trapped animal in a box for hours/days until someone comes along to either release it miles from home in a possibly hostile environment or dispatch it. I tend to think that the old fashioned traps are more humane... And I don't like killing anything!
I would agree with you. What is humane about leaving a trapped animal in a box for hours/days until someone comes along to either release it miles from home in a possibly hostile environment or dispatch it. I tend to think that the old fashioned traps are more humane... And I don't like killing anything!

It is also illegal to release them back in the wild after capture.
The do gooders that catch and release all the mangy town foxes out into the countryside should follow this law.

Or force them to do community service, watch the lambing sheep all night, night after night until they're all done, and then another bunch of nights until the smallest lambs are quick enough to get away.
I agree that cats are the best way of getting rid of a rat problem, four of my kittens went to a farm in north Devon just before Christmas for that reason

There's some pretty good natural predators for rats; foxes, badgers and barn owls to name but a few. Problem is they are all coming up against and getting in the way of the worst greedy and sadistic predator of all!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
The do gooders that catch and release all the mangy town foxes out into the countryside should follow this law.

Unfortunately the law doesn't apply to foxes (I have checked) but anyway it is good practice for the young hounds and our young shots when the RSPCA have just 're-stocked' an area they don't last long then the natural balance is resumed - one old boy reckoned he should have been given a loader because even he managed to knock down every one he shot at.
Unfortunately the law doesn't apply to foxes (I have checked) but anyway it is good practice for the young hounds and our young shots when the RSPCA have just 're-stocked' an area they don't last long then the natural balance is resumed - one old boy reckoned he should have been given a loader because even he managed to knock down every one he shot at.

Perhaps send the bill for the cartriges to the RSPCA, and also ask for a proper fixed list of shoot dates.
Some of them are in such a sorry state that we were doing a favour by shooting them - thin and riddled with mange. It beggars belief that an organisation that spouts on about them being the guardians of animal welfare (not rights remember) should leave animals back in the wild - which is not their natural habitat mind you - in such a pitiful state.
And they then go and fritter away money donated to them in malicious and unfounded prosecutions which invariably get thrown out of court and the taxpayer has to foot the bill because the judges are reluctant to award costs against a 'charity'

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