Santa needs some ideas.........

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Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
near King's Lynn
Hive Type
Number of Hives
50+. Double Std National & 14x12
Right then, I need some help here, I keep being asked what I would like for Christmas and I am expected to make a list of upto about 10 things that family can get me which cost £30 max, they could combine a bit of cash so maybe £50 - 60, or of course couple of dozen smaller things. :willy_nilly:
Can you help, your suggestions would be most appreciated,
books & dvd titles, must have gadgets, things you cant do with out, spares that are essential, all the things I didnt know I needed, anything considered except hive parts as its deemed I have enough of these..................does anyone do queen gift vouchers ?


Thanks Pete D :xmas-smiley-033:
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Poly nucs or Poly hive of course.

Your bees will never look back and you will be running to catch

.....does anyone do queen gift vouchers ?


Thanks Pete D :xmas-smiley-033:

My daughters make me gift vouchers which basically say buy it and we will give you the money. My "wish list" is always costed so they know what they are letting themselves in for.
Some new gloves - replace them each season as they get messy
Smoker - a spare is always handy
Hive Tool - ditto
a good book or 3 for winter reading
Next years colour pen for queen marking
A press on queen cage for marking said queen
A queen catcher (hair clip type)
pack of extra long matches

all individually wrapped !


Now there is a thought, hive parts are banned from the list but I might get away with a poly.................:cheers2:
Maybe a couple of old out of print beekeeping books if you are interested in that sort of thing. From second hand shops they are cheap but finding them takes effort. My wife recently bought me a book by Snelgrove, it only cost a few pounds but was more personal and meant more than something she could buy on Amazon with only a few clicks.
Ah a bee whistle........... what does that do.......other than bees. Sounds like a must have. Old bee books are something that I have put on my list so fingers crossed I may get something.
As a new beekeeper this year I havent had much to do with queens in terms of handling, marking, clipping etc so Somerfords suggestions have gone on my list.
Did mark a queen and about a dozen drones in my beginners course which was confusing for the next few weeks as spot the queen had a few 'wrong' sightings and in various hives !
Pete D
Old books on bees are now getting rare. This year I have asked in many shops and been told no none in stock. Beekeeping is very popular they tell

Last year went round Wigtown and of some 20+ book shops not a one to be had, same at the huge bookshop at Alnwick this year.

Must value my library...LOL

So my list is taking shape.......
Some old bee books
A novelty bee whistle
Queen catching, marking and clipping gear. (pity the drones....)
A Poly 14 x 12
Spare hive tool
2nd hand stainless electric extractor (National...... if anyone has one)
A forum voucher for a queen
2 large boxes of experience, an extra large bucket of understanding and a shed load of patience.
Another spare hive tool
Quality bee suit

Come on Santa
How about a veil (as opposed to full bee suit)

Very handy for doing quick, non-invasive jobs like topping up feeders or just having a quick gawp at the entrance.
Fake bird of prey to keep woodpeckers away.

Night vision minicam with inbuilt infra red lights and transmitter and can be found by scanning through your TV tuner. Then you can watch whats going on in the hive. As long as they are in your garden.

Outside weather station so you can judge when to do inspections.

Observation hive
Outside weather station so you can judge when to do inspections.

Errr??? I don't think so!! Excuses, excuses for a(nother) toy:drool5:??

Outside weather station so you can judge when to do inspections.

Errr??? I don't think so!! Excuses, excuses for a(nother) toy:drool5:??


lol - 5 years ago I took the p*ss out of my mate for being old. He was so proud of his weather station. As the years have moved me 5 years to the right I look at his weather station with gollum like eye slits of envy. But I must say I would like a blacksmith crafted weathervane more...
New to my list.........
Branding iron....... can do garden furniture as well.
Fake bird of prey....... one off the roof at work.... (will it work better than my fake heron that the visitors from the local herony try to mate with !)
Assistant to do all the stuff that the wife wants doing at weekends when I want to practice bee keeping..... painting, mowing, shelves......etc