26th April 09- Built up a 3 frame national nuc with one frame of brood, some loose bees & 2 of stores and introduced a QC.
3rd May- the queen had emerged.
17th May- no eggs and dead queen seen on floor of nuc- new QC introduced.
31st May- queen emerged- no eggs yet. I'm worried as there aren't that may bees left from the original brood frame which was placed in the nuc 5 weeks ago. I estimate about enough bees to cover one side of a national brood frame. Plenty of food in a feeder but not alot of pollen
Question is should I just wait and see if the queen mates and starts to lay or should I try and introduce some 'young' bees' with soon to emerge brood +/- some pollen?
The nuc is in an out-apiary 35 miles away.
3rd May- the queen had emerged.
17th May- no eggs and dead queen seen on floor of nuc- new QC introduced.
31st May- queen emerged- no eggs yet. I'm worried as there aren't that may bees left from the original brood frame which was placed in the nuc 5 weeks ago. I estimate about enough bees to cover one side of a national brood frame. Plenty of food in a feeder but not alot of pollen
Question is should I just wait and see if the queen mates and starts to lay or should I try and introduce some 'young' bees' with soon to emerge brood +/- some pollen?
The nuc is in an out-apiary 35 miles away.