Boston Bees
The lecture that Buchler gave to Somerset last week is the same one he gave at the National Honey Show in 2019. That is available on U-Tube and is the third of four lectures he gave that year.
The advantage of using the queen trapping method in July is that you then have a certain brood break to use oxalic acid on bees that are about to be replaced with the next winter bees. With global warming, colonies are more likely to continue limited brood rearing through the winter making it trickier to time OA treatment.
Yes, I know, sorry, I wasn't talking about winter OA. What I meant was, why not do 3/4 OA vapes in July/Aug, rather than queen caging at that time? That way varroa is vastly reduced just before winter bees are starting to be prepared, but without the queen having to be caged? Honey production I assume....
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