PPE for vaporisers

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What the individual actually does is totally up to him/her as it is, in all honesty low(ish) risk in the open. but it's obvious from these two snippets that to advise (from a self proclaimed status of expertise) on an open forum that no PPE is necessary is IMHO irresponsible and reckless in the extreme (especially taking into account the intelligence level of some reading it)

I might be getting this wrong if so i apologize JB. I am not stating no protection but to a limit that aids protection without making the work at hand difficult.
you do not need to face it with a full N.B.C suit sweating and struggling to move when a nice comfortable light weight face mask will provide all the protection needed for the task at hand making the work more bearable !
on your chips it is called vinegar...
Most vinegar we buy contains only about 5% acetic acid (ethanoic acid). It's a very weak solution but even so it would make many people ill if they were to drink a whole bottle of the stuff in one go.

wikipedia teaches me that with 300g of spinach or 500g of carrots, I ingest the full oxalic acid dose for one hive (3g).

quick, someone call a doctor, I had carrot coriander soup for lunch.
Yes, and it was well diluted and mixed with other things. You didn't have a single dose of concentrated oxalic acid.

What the individual actually does is totally up to him/her as it is, in all honesty low(ish) risk in the open. but it's obvious from these two snippets that to advise (from a self proclaimed status of expertise) on an open forum that no PPE is necessary is IMHO irresponsible and reckless in the extreme (especially taking into account the intelligence level of some reading it)
It might help if some would take the time to read the Varrox information, including the instructions for use http://www.biovet.ch/en/images/stories/products/Varrox/PDF/Varrox-Verdampfer.pdf and then watch the video http://www.biovet.ch/en/Imkerei/varrox-vaporizer.html
Most vinegar we buy contains only about 5% acetic acid (ethanoic acid). It's a very weak solution but even so it would make many people ill if they were to drink a whole bottle of the stuff in one go.

Yes, and it was well diluted and mixed with other things. You didn't have a single dose of concentrated oxalic acid.

It might help if some would take the time to read the Varrox information, including the instructions for use http://www.biovet.ch/en/images/stories/products/Varrox/PDF/Varrox-Verdampfer.pdf and then watch the video http://www.biovet.ch/en/Imkerei/varrox-vaporizer.html

exactly, and in reply to JMB for those who think they read that I am advocating to splash this stuff around without protection: pure oxalic acid is nasty stuff as it is very corrosive (you'll know when you've inhaled it) and will harm or even kill you if not treated with respect (as will acetic acid). As an organic molecule, it is something we consume on a daily basis and should not be vilified.
unfortunately oxalic is also decomposing in the real heating situation

Comments like this make me think it must be compliceted or summat. There can only be gaseous products - possibilties are water, carbon monoxide, cabon dioxide, methane. Not many others? Now, which one is the danger, as I cannot see any partcular risk from any of them in the beekeeping scenario?
Just had a quick look at it. looks like it is a pretty harmless molecule.
wikipedia teaches me that with 300g of spinach or 500g of carrots, I ingest the full oxalic acid dose for one hive (3g).

quick, someone call a doctor, I had carrot coriander soup for lunch.


Anyone, "Taught" by Wikipedea must have been deprived of education in a previous life!

Secondly, Toxins can enter the body via ingestion, inhalation injection or absorption. The fact that you are confusing ingestion with inhalation probably confirms the statement above.

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