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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
Is it a localised problem or does anybody else have the feeling that when thier regular postman is on holiday/off sick/been sacked etc..... that there is a distinct reduction in the number of deliveries they get...

In the last 2 weeks we have only had 3 deliveries and neighbours I have spoken to said much the same...... Parcel arrived on 20th was posted on 11th.. Am waiting for 2 other parcels posted on 14th and 15th.......
Yeh same round here, reglar postman is on his day off or on holiday and either we don't get any post or it goes to the wrong address.
Locally PO have made one redundant so the remainder have bigger rounds.
Post rarely here before 11.00 these days.
Locally PO have made one redundant so the remainder have bigger rounds.
Post rarely here before 11.00 these days.

11.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In last 2 weeks ours managed 1 o'clock ... 2.15 and just before 3. and parcel van at 4.

whereas the last regular bloke was usually here at 10 to 10.30 ish.
The posties no longer start at 4 or 5 am, instead machines do the sorting they turn up at 8.30 or 9 and go through their alloted round, not setting off till quite late. They all work part time now too

Royal Mail is pretty much on its knees.
[I]I used to blame the Postie for my mail going missing................... until I found the Old Witch next door neighbour (definitely a witch.... hated children & bees, always wore gloves, big long yellow ones when pulling up garden flowers to let the poisonous weeds grow.... wore a wig etc etc!) was putting my mail into her dustbin.....
SO glad when we moved!!![/I]
The posties no longer start at 4 or 5 am, instead machines do the sorting they turn up at 8.30 or 9 and go through their alloted round, not setting off till quite late. They all work part time now too

Royal Mail is pretty much on its knees.

I have two friends who are postmen and they are not part time
My stepson's a postie, and he's working longer and longer hours as the work gets done by fewer and fewer staff.:(
5 houses where i live no postie on sat then mon or tues loads of letters with rubber band around
No wonder the PO are losing money....

2 large letter containing same thing.

1st class within UK .75p

1st class to Portugal.... .68p
I have just had a parcel delivered... The postman used to be out regular bloke but is now on the vans....
Asked him what is happening with the post.

All local postmen are now part time.. Students.... etc. Not interested in the job...

Postmen used to do their round and go home.... It was up to them how long they took to do it.
Now they start work at 7.30.
Longer rounds. More walking.. Not finishing until 3 o'clock or later. If they still have mail in thier bags they take it back to the depot....

Phoned local sorting office... and give them their dues they did admit that they have had problems and that they got behind on letters and whilst sorting that problem they got behind with parcels.. Catch 22.

Am still waiting for stuff from ebay posted on 14/15/16 April. but one posted on 23 recorded delivery arrived this morning.
So after waiting for a total of 7 parcels posted on dates from 28th April to the 3rd May, I finally get really p****d off and go to local sorting office....

Can I help you?
You must certainly can if you will be so good as to give me all my missing parcels that you seem to be hoarding for some reason.....

Oh.. I think you will have to speak to the manager..

Very apologetic....... Yes we did have a problem but its all sorted out now,,, everything has been delivered and we have no backlog so I cant understand where anything is that you are waiting for....

Man who used to be our regular postman pops his head into excuse me.... there's some parcels here for this gentleman which I have just found......................
Completely contradicting what the manager has just told me...

He also told me that new working hours mean that if a postman still has anything left in his bag when his hours are up... he takes it back to the sorting office or does overtime..... which is not compulsory..and most of them dont want the overtime.......

Saturday mail.....If there is a lot of mail... 1st class gets priority and 2nd class is left until Monday...or whenever suits them...
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So after waiting for a total of 7 parcels posted on dates from 28th April to the 3rd May, I finally get really p****d off and go to local sorting office....


Good job you are not importing queens.............:D

( I'll get my coat....)
My postman's great - a few years ago he saw me working in my mother's house.
A month after he had a signed for letter for me and i was out so he called at mum's checked the relationship and fromthen on he'd just drop off my important mail at her house as she's always in. (then they went and changed his round just for the sake of it!! His replacement is almost as good though fair play
Our regular Rick (who knows not to ring the doorbell) is off and we have had deliveries at 3-4pm for the last 6.
We have a local private school who takes and keeps mail - even parcels. however, there are also more sinister goings on which regular posties learn to sort out so when on holiday - more chaos. the databases so loved of many can cause problems. Our local council sends out the rubbish collection rota and we received one intended for the said school. It definitely had our address not theirs. The council's database has it correctly addressed to teh school. however, they use a 'verification' database provided by the post office which goes through and changes at the point of mail merge any address they think is wrong. The Post Office database seems to be correct - it is the way the 'verification' process' is set up that determines exactly how it works. What is curious to me is how this relates to teh data protection Act. Those who store data appear to be storing it correctly but our experience shows that it is altered from being correctly addressed to being wrongly addressed. We have seen this for bank credit cards and other sensitive documents as well. Obviously the regular posties can sort out most of these errors. And yes, we also get days when suspiciously we have no mail and then we seem to have a larger collection in a day or so. We don't always see a postman so I imagine it might be when one is ill and they just miss out a round as well as when a postie not used to us is used.
well i know there are loads of great posties out there we used to have one now we have a complete plonker

we are very very lucky if our mail arrives 3 pm on any day every and thats when he bothers to come round, without fail he NEVER EVER DELIVERS PARCELS he only leaves the parcel collection card, he delivers the cards even when we are home, i gave him a right rollicking once as he delivered the post i was in the front room, went over and collected the letters with a unable to deliver parcel card , opened the door and said wheres the parcel?

back at the office he replied and walked of, so the red mist set in and went after him, ended up rollicking his boss down the phone in the middle of the street with him in front of me. and still he dont deliver parcels,

yes the post office is on its knees etc etc blah blah blah , but when you have idiots like this guy and is mates , no wonder people like me only ever use some one else, i dont even like to send letters now preffering parcels as they work out cheaper and better value.

the post office is dead and the quicker it goes and takes these idiots with it the better, but knowing my luck the replacement service will just employ this ***** as well
and dont forget how underpaid they are!!!!!
Good job you are not importing queens.............:D

( I'll get my coat....)
Problem is that some of the stuff I was waiting for was for making other stuff which I sell and those people want to know where thier stuff is!!!!!!!!!!

Odd thing is that 99% of stuff I have sent out gets delivered next day....

What can become a problem is that if the PO are not going to get thier act together and you sell something on ebay that doesnt get delivered in the agreed time plus a bit,,,, buyer complains to ebay..... and ebay makes you refund the money... then the goods finally get delivered but of course the buyer doesnt tell anybody...........Low cost stuff that I make myself I just replace it........... but anything that I have bought for resale, or a big order over a certain amount, gets posted as recorded delivery..

and when I spend an average of £80 a week at local PO I expect to be called Sir...
and dont forget how underpaid they are!!!!!

I was offered a job as postie couple of years ago, it was very poor money! may not be so bad for the old boys but the newbies it is low and they expect longer hours. Ours around here are lovely, treats for our dogs even though they are not provided with biscuits anymore by royal mail. The holding of mail is a known problem apprently within the royal mail. You should report the problem as it will be addressed.

Sent a parcel recorded 48hr the other day and it took 6 days to arrive! should have arrived the day before the wedding but insted turned up the following wednesday. Not happy.

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