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- Jan 12, 2009
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Possible Insurance for an association of Bee Keepers
At the moment the BBKA provides £5,000,000 of Public liability and Product Liability insurance with a £500 excess. There is a further £2,000,000 cover for professional indemnity and Directors and Officers liability.
This is to cover the keeping of bees and the sale of bee related products.
There is no cover for the property of individual members. The 2009 BBKA accounts show £19,000 expenses relating to insurance; this will include buildings and employers liability cover amongst others, so is not an accurate indicator of cost for the elements of interest to individual members.
The public and private liability insurance is placed via broker and consists of a primary policy providing £2M and an excess liability cover of £3M placed via another broker.
A number of insurers have been contacted. Due to the lack of detailed information supplied, the responses have been a little vague. Details we don’t have include:
· How many “members” will be covered.
· Estimated annual turnover.
· Where the cover is provided.
· Any previous claims.
· Bankruptcies
· Convictions
The last two items are not asked for by the BBKA, nor indeed is the estimated annual turnover.
The NFU policy that was held by a local association provided the following cover:
1. Cover of Association of Beekeepers "All paid up members"
2. Public Liability £2,500,000.
3. Product Liability £2,500,000
4. Equipment stored at association member's premises.(I believe this was association equipment)
5. Stock including honey at agricultural, horticultural and craft
shows (this does not include the individual member at farmers markets etc
as this is classed as commercial).
Any member can pay for additional cover for their out apiaries including
vandalism, damage and loss, ie beehives, stock and equipment, their name
is then added to the policy.
This was costing about £4.00/member in 2007
An enquiry was placed with the NFU for an insurance policy for an association of beekeepers:
Underwriters have now responded and advise that they are happy to quote for the Association's Liabilities and Property (including Member to Member to Liability) but unable to extend this to include the property/liability of the individual members. The reason for this is that they will have little knowledge of the individual members they are being asked to insure.
As the Association recruits new members over the Internet it is unlilkely that you will have much information either.
If individuals are not running a business they may well be covered under their own household policies. If they are running a business we may be able to consider cover subject to the usual information being obtained.
A policy application for this is available. It can be used for either the association or the individual beekeeper.
Public and product liability of £5M for an association of beekeepers was requested. The starting point is £500, but factors which will act to increase this are: product details, estimated annual turnover, previous claims, bankruptcy, convictions for other than parking/speeding, the number of members and where the cover is provided.
John Pearce
Broker for the BBKA policy. Originally BBKA cover was kept quiet and effectively used as professional indemnity cover for education activities. Gradually became promoted as a membership advantage. BBKA are aware of the possibility of his providing insurance to other organisations and their attitude is it is better for people to be insured than to be exposed. Talks to beekeepers most days, knows the pitfalls and requirements.
John has confirmed that cover is available and given us an indicative pricing of about £15 per head based on 100 individuals within the association. Obviously if the number could be increased then the cost may be reduced. Cover would be for the UK, and would be based on standard public/product liability policies. It would not be placed with the same underwriter as the BBKA.
Bee Disease insurance is available to any association of beekeepers. In order to qualify we would have to form an association (membership, etc) and approach them.
Multiple Policies
The question of multiple policies has been raised; ie BBKA cover and Beekeeping Forum cover. In many instances there will already be multiple cover, created by the overlap of BBKA cover and household insurance. So long as multiple claims are not made for the same incident (which would be fraud) there is no problem. In the event of the primary policy not providing sufficient cover, others can be used to top it up.
Public and product liability cover will be available, and should not be terribly expensive. Cover for the equipment of individuals (other than that covered by BDI) needs to be taken on an individual basis. I would recommend placing through John Pearce due to his extensive knowledge of bee related insurance. The cost (on a relatively low membership) is quite similar to BBKA capitation.
At the moment the BBKA provides £5,000,000 of Public liability and Product Liability insurance with a £500 excess. There is a further £2,000,000 cover for professional indemnity and Directors and Officers liability.
This is to cover the keeping of bees and the sale of bee related products.
There is no cover for the property of individual members. The 2009 BBKA accounts show £19,000 expenses relating to insurance; this will include buildings and employers liability cover amongst others, so is not an accurate indicator of cost for the elements of interest to individual members.
The public and private liability insurance is placed via broker and consists of a primary policy providing £2M and an excess liability cover of £3M placed via another broker.
A number of insurers have been contacted. Due to the lack of detailed information supplied, the responses have been a little vague. Details we don’t have include:
· How many “members” will be covered.
· Estimated annual turnover.
· Where the cover is provided.
· Any previous claims.
· Bankruptcies
· Convictions
The last two items are not asked for by the BBKA, nor indeed is the estimated annual turnover.
The NFU policy that was held by a local association provided the following cover:
1. Cover of Association of Beekeepers "All paid up members"
2. Public Liability £2,500,000.
3. Product Liability £2,500,000
4. Equipment stored at association member's premises.(I believe this was association equipment)
5. Stock including honey at agricultural, horticultural and craft
shows (this does not include the individual member at farmers markets etc
as this is classed as commercial).
Any member can pay for additional cover for their out apiaries including
vandalism, damage and loss, ie beehives, stock and equipment, their name
is then added to the policy.
This was costing about £4.00/member in 2007
An enquiry was placed with the NFU for an insurance policy for an association of beekeepers:
Underwriters have now responded and advise that they are happy to quote for the Association's Liabilities and Property (including Member to Member to Liability) but unable to extend this to include the property/liability of the individual members. The reason for this is that they will have little knowledge of the individual members they are being asked to insure.
As the Association recruits new members over the Internet it is unlilkely that you will have much information either.
If individuals are not running a business they may well be covered under their own household policies. If they are running a business we may be able to consider cover subject to the usual information being obtained.
A policy application for this is available. It can be used for either the association or the individual beekeeper.
Public and product liability of £5M for an association of beekeepers was requested. The starting point is £500, but factors which will act to increase this are: product details, estimated annual turnover, previous claims, bankruptcy, convictions for other than parking/speeding, the number of members and where the cover is provided.
John Pearce
Broker for the BBKA policy. Originally BBKA cover was kept quiet and effectively used as professional indemnity cover for education activities. Gradually became promoted as a membership advantage. BBKA are aware of the possibility of his providing insurance to other organisations and their attitude is it is better for people to be insured than to be exposed. Talks to beekeepers most days, knows the pitfalls and requirements.
John has confirmed that cover is available and given us an indicative pricing of about £15 per head based on 100 individuals within the association. Obviously if the number could be increased then the cost may be reduced. Cover would be for the UK, and would be based on standard public/product liability policies. It would not be placed with the same underwriter as the BBKA.
Bee Disease insurance is available to any association of beekeepers. In order to qualify we would have to form an association (membership, etc) and approach them.
Multiple Policies
The question of multiple policies has been raised; ie BBKA cover and Beekeeping Forum cover. In many instances there will already be multiple cover, created by the overlap of BBKA cover and household insurance. So long as multiple claims are not made for the same incident (which would be fraud) there is no problem. In the event of the primary policy not providing sufficient cover, others can be used to top it up.
Public and product liability cover will be available, and should not be terribly expensive. Cover for the equipment of individuals (other than that covered by BDI) needs to be taken on an individual basis. I would recommend placing through John Pearce due to his extensive knowledge of bee related insurance. The cost (on a relatively low membership) is quite similar to BBKA capitation.