porter escapes

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Field Bee
Oct 1, 2009
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So i deployed the porter escapes today an was just wondering how long it usually takes for the supers to clear of bees? Oh by the way I have 3 supers on the hive.

Thanks for any help

Usually a couple or so days as long as the bees have not propalised them up. I normally clear no more thet two supers at a time - depends how many bees are there.

Make sure that they have plenty of space below to collapse into - you made need to put a super below the clearer board.
I cleared two supers in 24hrs, thought it might take 48 hrs but it didnt. Six bees only left.
How far apart do you set them?

The gap between the metal springs should be set to 3mm (ref Dave Cushman's web site page on The Porter Bee Escape).

To quote Dave Cushman:

"I, personally, have never understood it's popularity as it requires a great deal of skill to use it successfully. The device is not very reliable and requires re-setting every time it is used."
I could not agree more.

If I could wave a magic wand and vanish them, I would.

They are nothing but a cause of grief.

PH, I'm making up some boards using your half rhomboid idea. Porters have let me down on the last two clearances, with loads of bees in the supers. Never again.
My rhomboid clearers, remarkably similar to Mon Abs, (where did we get the idea from? thanks PH) worked very effectively clearing supers in 12hrs without any bees getting stuck.
I put a rhombus clearing board and a clearing board with two porter bee esacapes on last night around 6pm on two hives and both hives were nearly cleared by lunch time today. The rhombus hive had half a dozen bees in the two supers and the porter bee esacape hives had around a dozen in the two supers.
With the two supers I have removed, the bee escapes did not work after 24 hours. I took out one frame at a time (covering the others with a cloth) and brushed off all the bees. I then put the beeless frame in a plastic storage box with a cover. Once done I lugged the box home and extracted the honey. Fast and easy. But note I did it in the morning when my girls are calm. For some reason they are always grumpy in the evening.
When you say bee escape do you mean Porter or clearer board?

I should add that I've also had success with Porters but they are just too unreliable. Mine didn't appreciate the treatment and they are a gentle, happy bunch. It's so much easier to just whip a cleared super off ... without them knowing ... than being so obvious you're nicking their hard earned stores.

It also makes me feel very guilty :(
The only real advantage of the porter bee escapes is they are positively one-way only valves (if used properly adjusted). The others should not be left too long or some bees can find their way back into the super.


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