Pop up Cathedral! What ever next?

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victor meldrew

Queen Bee
Nov 10, 2008
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Manchester the trend setting city?
Will it double as a grafting demonstration area Dusty?

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I wondered if anyone would notice!

The 1950s heating system is clapped out and the Cathedral is really cold.
So, we're having ground source heating put in.
Means digging up the whole floor, using pneumatic drills.
We'll be out till November - in a wooden hut just outside the Cathedral.


The touching thing is that literally dozens of people have shown concern that the drilling would upset the bees! There's a lot of affection for our project.

We will be putting 3 more hives up there, in a few weeks.
And already, one of our volunteers on the project (unemployed young people) has got a job! (Though I don't claim that making up a few dozen frames was what did it!)

I'll keep you all posted.

(Canon Apiarist)
Lots of coal under Manchester Cathedral!
Practice was to leave pillars of coal under.
Churches and Cathedrals ;) , quite a few seams (brassy for one) close to the surface! I wonder how far they will have to drill to tap geo-heat source . Caveat being ,methane ! This particular seam of coal is very gassy and as said before, close to the surface !

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I was tempted but thought better of it. :D
I hope it's a success.
The deepest coal seam in these parts is the 'Harley' seam . The Parsonage pit in Leigh was the deepest in the North West of England , is was this deep to exploit the 'Harley' seam . Believe me the temperature down there was extreme! To steal someone's water was a Cardinal sin !

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