Lancs Lad
House Bee
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The current dominant hive in the world is Langstroth (wood) and in the UK is National (wood).
I think too much can be made of a beekeepers equipment. The thing that really counts is the years of experience and the painful lessons along the way. It’s easier to change your equipment than to become a great beekeeper. The great beekeepers that I know have worked out what’s right for them, but given the variety of boxes being used it’s hard to accept that hive type is as critical a variable as many people think it is.
And whilst not having had poly for finskys 30 years I’ve only had them for about 15.
But that tree trunk I do not understand. No one keeps bees in tree trunk
Oh yes they do
No one keeps bees in tree trunk
Bit early for Pantomime Season*.........!!
* Finnie gets confused by our obsession with Panto Dames![]()
Many of us do Finny - but first, you have to saw them up into planks, cut them into manageable bits, then nail them all back together.
Bit of a faff - but bees seem to like them