Poly hive wax moth

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House Bee
Jul 25, 2011
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Hi all,

Just finished cleaning up a ploy hive the bees over wintered in and when I removed the mesh floor found wax moth larvae burrowed into the polystyrene structure, any one else had this problem.

Cheers Cedar
Hi Cedar,
Only in my first year with one polyhive and I have disinfected it in 1:5 bleach and scrubbed it. However, did not notice any wax moth, but will certainly be on the lookout in future. Thanks.
Hi Cedar,
I found one hole in the top edge of my poly nuc, I dripped soapy water in it and out came the larva. I then filled in the hole with bath sealant and not had a problem since.
A handfull of wax moth larvae can destroy the whole polybox in the frame store.

Even one hole is a nuisance because robber bees can go via hole.

I have had this problem, especially with mating nucs. I now boil the frames and disinfect boxes with bleach, then dry and fill in any holes with flexible wood filler before storing.
Could you spray polyhives with Certan?
One of the participants in our bee improvement group has apideas with a wide array of battle scars from pupating Greater Wax Moths.
What about mouse damage, I've had mice chew their way into the box, I know it was a mouse because once it got inside the occupants dealt with it... yes its a very deceased rodent.

Can the box be patched up, I was just going to bin the box? the hole is at the frame/lug hanger end of the box on the lip difficult to fill.
thanks all,
I cleaned with bleach, and wasn't happy with how much gunge was still between the mesh and the polystyrene, I don't know why but I thought they would not burrow into it.

My main hives are all wood but my mini mating Apideas are poly.

I learnt the hard way that as soon as they are empty they must be thoroughly cleaned and sealed against Wax Moth.

I left one open and empty for 3 weeks and it was like a Swiss Cheese:cuss: Never again.
gwyfyn cwyr

I just learnt the Welsh for "effing A!" ! These threads are a cautionary tale. Sorry to bump, but relatively recent, and relevant to my situation.

I was searching having found an adult (lesser) in the outer suburbs of my colony (poly box... Proposed remedy: freeze and return the two outer frames, one of which is used brood comb, now barely used) but am now much more worried about poly bait hives (time to close them down anyway). Hadn't thought of that risk as being so severe.:sos:
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