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Haughton Honey

Drone Bee
Apr 15, 2009
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South Cheshire
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Lots of Commercial hives.......
Anyone know how I should be attempting to remove a few lines of propolis from the bonnet of my wife's Land Rover?!?!?!

I accidentally placed a very sticky brood box on it at an out apiary earlier this afternoon and I will have to change my forum name from White Park Cattle to John Bobbiit if I can't remove it.

Anyone know how I should be attempting to remove a few lines of propolis from the bonnet of my wife's Land Rover?!?!?!

I accidentally placed a very sticky brood box on it at an out apiary earlier this afternoon and I will have to change my forum name from White Park Cattle to John Bobbiit if I can't remove it.

Falling off a bike is an accident, placing a sticky super on a car bonnet, not sure that is an accident!
I clean up my gloves with "Fairy with bleach bathroom spray" or straight bleach
Try a clay bar, maguires clay bar usualy for sale in halfords gets loads of sttuff off like deep tree sap, can polish up the whole thing whilst your at it.
I'd try bleach on a site not clearly visible to your wife and her pride and joy in case it damages the paint work. I really don't know if it would but the way I see it your in the brown sticky stuff and you don't need to be DEEPER in the stuff for the sake of a test patch.

Let us know if it works you never know I might need it in the future.
Take a mock sincerity tablet, march indoors, and demand to know wtf she has been doing with the work SO hard to keep it perfect and look at the mess!

Apart from that, buy one way ticket to Gdansk, and wait for the glow on the western horizon to die down and the mushroom cloud to dissipate before returning home.
isopropyl alcohol - then re-wax the area (it will strip any wax)
Traffic film remover, but will take the polish off, rinse with lots of clean water and any deep down stains left use G3 cutting compound but do NOT use it on lacquered finished vehicles only use a good quality polish
Take a mock sincerity tablet, march indoors, and demand to know wtf she has been doing with the work SO hard to keep it perfect and look at the mess!

Apart from that, buy one way ticket to Gdansk, and wait for the glow on the western horizon to die down and the mushroom cloud to dissipate before returning home.

Tried the first para more than once.

Should've gone to Gdansk like the great man has said...... at least twice :smilielol5::smilielol5:
Brillo will remove it.. :rolleyes:

More seriously, I recommend vinegar and hot water and a microfibre cloth.. Works wonders.
Land Rover? Proper Land Rover rather than some Range Rover thing?

Just leave it. Adds character. Leave it in a field with some cows for a week and she'll never notice the propolis. Cow dents add character too.

Seriously - depends on the paint.

Cellulose (very old) - generally soft, get the worst off gently with a fingernail, then clay bar, then re-seal
2 Pack - 90s - try a gentle solvent, alcohol would be good, try finger nail, then clay bar.
Modern stuff, lacquer etc - as cellulose. Don't put t-cut anywhere near it!

I wouldn't use bleach.
White spirit, removes road tar from car paintwork, can't see that it wouldn't work, and it won't damage the paint.
My other 'thing' is restoring vintage cars & motorcycles, for getting light marks of both old 'celly' paint and modern synthetics use Duraglit or Silvo, preferably the Silvo wadding, rub very gently with the wadding and wipe off, repeat as needed until the mark has gone and polish with a good hard wax, you can do the same with Brasso liquid but use it on a very soft damp cloth.

What ever chemicals you decide to use test it under the bonnet where women never go

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