We keep pigs once a year, taking them from weaner to finisher at about 6/7 months old. They then go to the freezer.....
We attended a one day pig course way back when which was very informative as well as good fun. Otherwise a very good resource is the forum at www dot accidentalsmallholder dot net/forum - they are a very friendly bunch and more than happy to help with all newbie questions.
For our own part we built an ark ourselves, use electric tape for fencing (you have to 'educate' the weaners at the beginning but they are very quick learners. We get our feed from our local agric store, in 5 years have only had to have the vet out once, and we have built up quite a good relationship with our local abbattoir.
Kill and cut costs are about £50 per pig. Basically a pig costs about £150 to take from weaner to meat taking into account weaner cost, feed and slaughter costs - NOT counting labour or setting up.
I love looking after the pigs, they are great characters. The meat is FAB
we have done air dried ham as well as the more standard ham, bacon, sausages etc. This year I am giving chorizo and salami making a go.
Take the plunge - it's addictive