Patteson's jar sale

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That's not a sale, it's cost price. It's a sale if it includes delivery and you only want a few jars.
That's not a sale, it's cost price. It's a sale if it includes delivery and you only want a few jars.

£17.30 for 100 jars delivery and VAT included (50% reduction on usual price of £34.60)
That good enough for you - or do you expect them to sell singles?
£17.30 for 100 jars delivery and VAT included (50% reduction on usual price of £34.60)
That good enough for you - or do you expect them to sell singles?

Not really. Mine cost 16'83p per jar including vat and delivery. A sale for some perhaps. 50% Mark up.
For 8oz hex jars, with lids, inc vat and delivery, these are very good prices indeed, for quantities of 100 to 500.

Buy 500 and the price goes down to 15.22p/jar, with lids, vat and delivery included.

Now, if you were buying many thousands of jars, there is the theoretical prospect of negotiating an even better deal.
But not many hobbyist beekeepers are into that sort of quantity.

And I, plus doubtless many others, would love it if anyone would post a link to an equivalent deal (equivalent product and quantity) from an other source.

Meanwhile, if you are after 8oz hex, fill your boots!
For 8oz hex jars, with lids, inc vat and delivery, these are very good prices indeed, for quantities of 100 to 500.

I'm not saying they aren't good prices but these "sale prices" are the same as the "normal" price of jars from Compaq. Plus they give you an additional 10% off if you are a member of the BBKA.
Thanks,all ordered.i'm gonna need a bigger attic :icon_204-2:
For 8oz hex jars, with lids, inc vat and delivery, these are very good prices indeed, for quantities of 100 to 500.
And I, plus doubtless many others, would love it if anyone would post a link to an equivalent deal (equivalent product and quantity) from an other source.

Meanwhile, if you are after 8oz hex, fill your boots!

I'm not saying they aren't good prices but these "sale prices" are the same as the "normal" price of jars from Compaq. Plus they give you an additional 10% off if you are a member of the BBKA.

Sorry but that really is utter tosh - if you actually mean Compak rather than the computer brand Compaq.

Perhaps you didn't spot that this price refers to 8oz Hex jars. (Though it has been stated repeatedly on this tread ...)
NOT for 'standard' jars.
No point in comparing the prices of apples and oranges!

If you look at their web page, you'll see Compak's price for an equivalent product is MUCH higher.
For £15.87, they would indeed sell you a pack of 8oz hex jars.
And add £7.50 at checkout for vat, making £23.37
Now, you might think that was only about £35% more expensive than Pattesons, except for the fact that Compak's pack only has 36 jars in it. So for less money, you can have 100 from Pattesons.
Say you bought 3 packs from Compak, that is 108 jars, to compare with Patteson's 100.
That (inc vat, lids and delivery) comes out at £57.61, against £17.30 from Pattesons.

So to compare prices on quantities of about 100 -
Compak are 53.34 pence per jar, but with BBKA discount that makes 48 pence a jar (not 16.83 pence).
Pattesons offer is 17.3 pence per jar. (or less if you buy more than 100).

Now, who is "marking up" their prices?
8oz hex jars on offer £17.30 for 100 for anyone interested

That's not a sale, it's cost price. It's a sale if it includes delivery and you only want a few jars.
Not really. Mine cost 16'83p per jar including vat and delivery. A sale for some perhaps. 50% Mark up.
I'm not saying they aren't good prices but these "sale prices" are the same as the "normal" price of jars from Compaq. Plus they give you an additional 10% off if you are a member of the BBKA.

I'm sorry but repeated misinformation does need to be corrected.

I use Pattersons for 8oz hex jars. They're a cute jar and the price and service is good. C Wynne for 1lb jars.
I'm sorry but repeated misinformation does need to be corrected.
What misinformation? There is no misinformation in any of your multi-quotes.
The facts I gave are correct. . It's up to you if don't wish to believe them. But please don't insult me by saying I'm posting misinformation.
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I'm not saying they aren't good prices but these "sale prices" are the same as the "normal" price of jars from Compaq. Plus they give you an additional 10% off if you are a member of the BBKA.

Still waiting to see what this misinformation is?

Still waiting for you to post a link to substantiate your assertion that
these "sale prices" are the same as the "normal" price of jars from Compaq
For 8oz hex jars the Compak "normal" price is 48p/jar after BBKA discount (based on buying 108 jars).
Whereas for the same jar style on Patteson's offer the price is 17.3p/jar (based on buying 100).
Both with lids, vat and delivery included.
Here are the links so people can confirm this for themselves.

Please post a link to this "normal Compaq pricing" of 16.83p each for 8oz hex jars inc lids, vat and delivery.
Please post a link to this "normal Compaq pricing" of 16.83p each for 8oz hex jars inc lids, vat and delivery.
Do you only believe it if it's on the web? Dork!
It's simply the price we pay Compaq for our jars, available to anyone who can be bothered to pick up the phone and ring them and wishes to buy approx £200 worth of jars (free delivery). Ring them. And of course they charge more for less as your link is to a 36 jar order.
For accuracy the lids on our orders are extra (price not to hand but peanuts).

My point is that this Patterson's "offer" , whilst good, is little better than the normal pricing for 8oz jars from major glass companies. Looking at Pattersons current price for 12oz hex they charge £40 for a 100 12oz hex jars. Compaq currently sell us 12oz hex at £19.30 for 84.
You have your facts about pricing wrong and I'd be quite grateful if you don't insinuate I'm liar again.. OKAY.

Worth noting that Patterson's normal price for 8oz hex is double their offer price. As I previously mentioned it's not a real offer when you can buy the same jars for an equivalent price on a routine basis and don't have to wait for offers. Bit liek soem of the Tesco etc offers. Although as I have also previously mentioned it is a good offer for the guy/gal who only needs a few jars.
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I'd be quite grateful if you could refrain from calling me a dork for merely asking you to provide some (any) evidence to support your assertions.

I linked to the ONLY price that Compak publish for their 8oz hex jars.

Your claim now seems to be that you can get a price almost (but not quite) this good at any time by buying in massively larger quantities (over £200 per order - roughly 1250 jars).

I'm not saying you are a liar, I'm saying it is misleading to compare unit prices (delivered) when you are referring to - without specifying - orders for much larger, over 10x larger, quantities.

If you had said "I get a better price by buying in 10x larger quantities", I doubt anyone would have batted an eyelid.
But you didn't say that.
What you said was -
... these "sale prices" are the same as the "normal" price of jars from Compaq. Plus they give you an additional 10% off if you are a member of the BBKA.
And that I do think was rather misleading.

It is interesting that Patteson's public offer price per jar on a 500 quantity is actually lower than the unpublished price you claim for a 1250 quantity.
And includes lids.

I have no torch to carry for Pattesons, or comment to make about their published standard retail pricing (other than to say - compare it with other's published retail pricing, not other's unpublished wholesale quantity pricing), but for the hobby beekeeper wanting 8oz hex jars, I think this offer is about as good as it ever gets.