Part filled supers…still a good flow…more supers?

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Drone Bee
May 27, 2020
Reaction score
North Cumbria
Hive Type
Number of Hives
I aim for 4…often becomes 6
The flow started in earnest here over the last couple of weeks. I checked the supers today and most are between a third and two thirds full. At this stage in the season should I be adding new supers as usual or should I be forcing them to properly fill the existing supers they already have and not adding more now?

The flow is still going and although the lime is over I’m seeing more and more ghost bees. There’s quite a bit of balsam and fireweed etc.
should I be forcing them to properly fill the existing supers
Better idea.

If you have the time, put the full combs to the outside and the empty in the centre of each box, and put the lightest box at the bottom and heaviest on top of the stack.

In my third year of beekeeping I added too many and ended up with 6 supers half full; as you gain knowledge of nectar flows, the weather and colony strength, you will judge it better.

That's the idea, anyway: two weeks ago Surrey colonies (most triple brood) had 3 supers each, all empty. Today the boxes were rammed with lime, heather and HB, and the third BB was full as well. All I could do was give them each a box of Ross Rounds and hope for the best.
Flow going strong here still.
I shall be leaving at least one empty super on all mine before I go in to hospital, might even get some ivy before I take them off later.
Better idea.

If you have the time, put the full combs to the outside and the empty in the centre of each box, and put the lightest box at the bottom and heaviest on top of the stack.

In my third year of beekeeping I added too many and ended up with 6 supers half full; as you gain knowledge of nectar flows, the weather and colony strength, you will judge it better.

That's the idea, anyway: two weeks ago Surrey colonies (most triple brood) had 3 supers each, all empty. Today the boxes were rammed with lime, heather and HB, and the third BB was full as well. All I could do was give them each a box of Ross Rounds and hope for the best.
I suppose what I’m wondering is….is there still a need to provide adequate space to prevent swarming or has that ship sailed? Presumably there comes a point in the season where you stop adding supers and judge that they’ll hopefully fill what’s already there before the date you have in mind to pull them off. I’ve been thinking I would pull the supers off say 15th ish of August, allowing me to vape before the winter bees are laid. It’s a bit of a shame though as we’ve got a decent balsam flow here that will be going well into September…if it wasn’t for the need to vape earlier then I would leave the supers on another two or three weeks…
If the weather remains humid/warm then expect flows to continue , they still need space (esp large colonies ) into Sept and poss Oct if one has good HB & Ivy.
i have put extras on as well as consolidating as Eric sensibly suggests as flow v much on

i will watch for swarm cells too each week and nuc the queen if/when and leave to bleed bees into requeening hive and over winter the nucs

that's the plan at least
Even if one takes off supers for extracting , the bees still need space for any incoming fresh stores and to stop laying space being back filled. Late swarms are a case point in September when folks don't give enough space.

I think a lot of beeks need to be more forward thinking and adapatable to the times , not living in the past and working their bees on dates and do by times often associated with BBKA say so.

Today's UK Q's tend to be more prolific then the native black bee and weather patterns changing we are seeing differing seasons every year with longer/stronger and earlier flows .
Autumn over the last decade at least has been very much extended due to milder conditons , HB being one major forage factor and Ivy producing much better .

Take last year which early on and spring was awesome , then this year . Very wet then once the rain eased the nectar flows here are even better then last year. Blackberry flow has been awesome due to plenty of both warmish and wet weather and I'm still waiiting for blackbeery to fruit up nicely colour wise.
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