Oz Armour bee suit

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Aug 18, 2010
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Rhondda S. Wales
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4 national
Tried on my new bee suit today, it was a Xmas present of my family. It was deffinately cooler than my old BB wear one. But I had to quickly stop the inspection of the hives because I couldn't breath. The front of the suit had ridden up and blocked my trachy. I was so dissapointed..Will have to think of something to keep it away from my throat.:ohthedrama:
A bee suit that stops you breathing...whatever will they invent next.
Personally couldn't live without mine in this weather...just call me the bare chested beekeeper :) In out apiaries anything goes..
Hi Bryan, that's disappointing for you, but you could contact oz armour and see if they can come up with something for you. They are true to their word if any part of it fails. They replaced a veil for me free of charge and sent it from Australia. Otherwise could you weigh your chest pockets down to make it heavy enough to stop it riding up. Although this may defeat the purpose of the suit.
Tried on my new bee suit today, it was a Xmas present of my family. It was deffinately cooler than my old BB wear one. But I had to quickly stop the inspection of the hives because I couldn't breath. The front of the suit had ridden up and blocked my trachy. I was so dissapointed..Will have to think of something to keep it away from my throat.:ohthedrama:

Have you got a medical problem with your trachea? Seems very odd that the suit could exert sufficient pressure to close the airway.
Tried on my new bee suit today, it was a Xmas present of my family. It was deffinately cooler than my old BB wear one. But I had to quickly stop the inspection of the hives because I couldn't breath. The front of the suit had ridden up and blocked my trachy. I was so dissapointed..Will have to think of something to keep it away from my throat.:ohthedrama:

Can you not rig something up with some springy wire to keep it pushed away from your throat ..
They do have a high neck line compared with a BB Wear or similar, I was thinking unzip slightly, fold ends and tack in place to form a V shape? Bearing in mind the velcro seal behind your veil zips.
Have you got a medical problem with your trachea? Seems very odd that the suit could exert sufficient pressure to close the airway.
Had a total laranxoscopy and a trachyoscopy in 2013. As Graham wrote, I breath through a hole in my neck,which is usually covered by a filter(valve). to wear a bee suit I have to wear a bib with no filter, the suit is so tight around my neck that it is compressing the bib over my trachy (hole), and restricting how much air I can take in.....Have been thinking along the lines of a "cage". Will try and contact the makers to see if they can help...Thanks to you all for your helpful comments.
Had a total laranxoscopy and a trachyoscopy in 2013. .

Apologies Bryang, your problem didn't come across clearly in your first post. But do suggest working to find a solution..in our unusual summer they really help.
Apologies Bryang, your problem didn't come across clearly in your first post. But do suggest working to find a solution..in our unusual summer they really help.

Cheers mate....for the short time I wore it I was surprised how comfertable it was.....I think I'm possibly the only member on the forum who can say I,ve had my throat cut from ear to ear and survived it:sorry: Yes I know I've got a sick sense of humour..

Can you not rig something up with some springy wire to keep it pushed away from your throat ..

Sorted......After thinking over your suggestion Millet I had a chat with my close family (and myself:judge:)...We came up with the idea of trying a trachy(oscopy) mask...(I use one several times a day) without the fluid bowl. After I had got my breathing sorted it was a real pleasure to work around the apiary wearing my new bee suit without having to stop for a "breather" every 5 minutes...:thanks:

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