Queen Bee
I chated with a few local beeks last Autumn about Verroa levels as my mite count was well down as well.
The feedback I got was that everyone had a lower count than 2009.
well the prime swarm i got in may 2010 must have been near extinction in 2009 if it was higher as total drop with august to october was 7500 on 10 frame 14x12 ( one of thymol crystals 3 tubs apiguards and nasty chemical strips eventual)

not sure if it was just the size or the apiguard did not penetrate all the hive becuase of large size, but standard applicarion tub away from entrance on top of frames and sealed floor etc
it came i now know from a hive treated with two tubs of apiguard in 2009 and a caste had similar high levals of 3000 even only on five frames max