optimal forage theory

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So, my question is, do these distances (900+ and 650+ metres) provide close enough forage for the bees?...

Margaret Couvillon's group at Sussex have been doing analysis of dance patterns and mapping results. Their maps show how the forage sources vary over the season, bees exploit agricultural crops like OSR but they are relatively short bursts. Nature reserves and suburban gardens provide a steady variety of forage over the year and often at a shorter distance. Longer distance diminishes the "profit" of the trip but they take what's available, 5 km at times isn't unusual.


Margaret Couvillon's group at Sussex have been doing analysis of dance patterns and mapping results. Their maps show how the forage sources vary over the season, bees exploit agricultural crops like OSR but they are relatively short bursts. Nature reserves and suburban gardens provide a steady variety of forage over the year and often at a shorter distance. Longer distance diminishes the "profit" of the trip but they take what's available, 5 km at times isn't unusual.


Hi Alan, thanks for the reply (link down at the minute)
So, my question is, do these distances (900+ and 650+ metres) provide close enough forage for the bees?

you should be able to tell this by counting the amount of supers on your hives
Optimal foraging....to me it means that what kind of place I would choose to drop down my hives to get best yields.

- if area allready has bees, it is not my case.
5 bees/m2 is really full.

- what are main yield plants , better several than uniflower
- how sensitive area is to dryness, soil, cliffs, sand areas
- how sensitive it is to winds
- what the site offer inside 1 km and 2 km radius
- how much area has well cultivated farming areas, dark forests etc..non productive vegetation

Actually these are difficult to valuate.

And finally, how many hives you put there.
I must get with car on site
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