Oouwch! Bees going for me while sitting down!

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I don't know about butterflies, but a few of us have kept wax moths ;)
Following up on my last post on this thread.

Well, they got me later on the 30th (just a few loose bees) and I parked the box over another (OMF to kept the bees apart). That colony followed me, so that, too will be having a fresh queen very shortly. Removed the floor this am, so now united.

Another unite next week will see that colony quite strong on the OSR.

There is a social responsibility to the neighbours to be intolerant of 'bad behaviour' in bees kept in a garden.
This doesn't apply quite so strongly when bees are kept in a remote apiary.
While I think a "first offence" might be forgiveable, especially if it actually might have been provoked by some action of the beekeeper, a repeated pattern of bad behaviour is a call to prompt action with garden bees.
:iagree: I am keeping bees not going in for a competition on who can be the most macho. I cant see that there is anything to be gained from putting up with stinging bees, apart from anything else I have other people to consider, and stinging bees give bees, and beekeepers, a bad reputation. I cant expect my family to put up with being regularly stung, or my neighbours either. Obviously if its a one off then fine, but I am interested in what is provoking them into attacking me. The thought about the hammering may be interesting. Its definately not what I was wearing.