Due to time constraints I tried something new with my first batch of nucs this season. I popped in the q cells at the same time as a cupful of bees with the entrance closed by a wad of fondant, drove to the mating apiary, put the nucs out and drove away to carry on with the day job.
To my great pleasure when I went round to check emergence on day 15 after the graft, all but 1 cell had successfully hatched and all the mini nucs had successfully established( even the one with no virgin had drawn some comb). All I need now is some good mating weather in the next fortnight and I should have a good batch of early queens for very little effort on my part.
Its alot less bother than pre-stocking the mini nucs, keeping them in a dark room for three days, putting in q cells or virgins, leaving for a further day or two before taking the nucs to the mating apiary and releasing in the evening as per the usual instructions !
To my great pleasure when I went round to check emergence on day 15 after the graft, all but 1 cell had successfully hatched and all the mini nucs had successfully established( even the one with no virgin had drawn some comb). All I need now is some good mating weather in the next fortnight and I should have a good batch of early queens for very little effort on my part.
Its alot less bother than pre-stocking the mini nucs, keeping them in a dark room for three days, putting in q cells or virgins, leaving for a further day or two before taking the nucs to the mating apiary and releasing in the evening as per the usual instructions !