OK to leave full capped supers on?

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New Bee
Jun 14, 2014
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I have several full frames, fully capped, honey filled supers, but no time to extract at the moment. Is there any problem in leaving them on, just adding more empty supers to give the bees more space, and trying to extract in a few weeks time? This would mean that some of the frames will have been capped for about 6 weeks or so.
Should be fine at this time of year as the crop tends to stay runny rather than granulate like ivy or OSR.
You need to consider when you will carry out your varroa treatment and if you use thymol based product, to take them off before this.(Some time mid August-early September.)
I see no problem - as long as you can manage the hive height - and have the kit Had to take some of mine off and extract last week as I couldn't take off the roof without standing on a box!
so in reverse I am in similar situation but usually only extract end of September - however up on 3 supers on one and 2 on several others, seriously cant keep lifting too much longer - guess I can whip off a couple of supers from the 3 stack? will also save me having to buy more supers for other hives. cant believe how well they have done - the 3 supers colony swarmed 2nd week in may and have done well.