OA. How much mite drop do you get?

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From Glossop, North Derbyshire, UK
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 11, 2021
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Glossop, North Derbyshire
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4 to 12!
I've just done my third vape, the 5 day mite drop after the second is 100s, maybe 1000+, way too many to count.
I had the same last year and after a long course of OA vapes there was still quite a few, though i had no winter losses at all apart from one that had been dwindling for a while.
Wondering how big a drop others have got?
I've just done my third vape, the 5 day mite drop after the second is 100s, maybe 1000+, way too many to count.
I had the same last year and after a long course of OA vapes there was still quite a few, though i had no winter losses at all apart from one that had been dwindling for a while.
Wondering how big a drop others have got?
I have one the same. It’s had 8 vapes. The others have been pretty low.
My highest drops seem vaguely to be in the most prolific colonies 🤷‍♂️
I did 10 vapes last year - glad I have a huge stock of OA!
Could that be because those prolific colonies have the highest number of bees?
My one “mitey” colony is split that raised a new queen. It is a large colony but no larger than the others. Similar genetics too.
Of my five colonies, three just had their sixth vape. One had a zero 24 hour fall after five, the other had a fall of nine.
I noticed through the Summer that there was a larger number of drones than usual in my hives - almost all of the foundation free frames were turned over to drone brood, so I expected a higher varroa load. Most though, had brood breaks at some point, through swarm prevention.
I have in the past done mite drop comparisons between bought in queens and our own local colonies, I still do random comparison counts. Without fail, colonies headed by bought in queens produce higher numbers, though those numbers are nowhere near as high as some figures quoted and vaping has never continued beyond four rounds. Some of the figures quoted are higher than I witness in an entire apiary count.
After 24 hours two of the three are still dropping over 60 mites, so a seventh vape will be done. I’m absolutely obsessing about this it seems.
My highest drops seem vaguely to be in the most prolific colonies 🤷‍♂️
I did 10 vapes last year - glad I have a huge stock of OA!
Where do you get your OA
three at five day intervals and then the last four days
It’s what Pete Little always advocated.
Apart from one colony that’s what I’ve done but then I have only the seven hives and I’ve been checking after each vape.
Hardly any point and a huge waste of time if you are a BF, I agree.
Some farmers take an apiary snapshot with alcohol washes but again I can’t see the point if you are using OAV.
The odd hive fails with varroa but that’s life.
Are folks using 2+g of OAV as this study found x7 OAV at 5 day intervals using 1g of OA didn’t reduce mite levels when brood was present


  • OAV x7 5 day intervals .pdf
    164.2 KB

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