Nuc weights for winter

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House Bee
Jan 15, 2013
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More than I used to have.
Has anybody got a target weight for 6 frame poly nucs going into winter? I am hefting at the moment but my nucs are increasing in number each year and there has to be a more scientific way of approaching this.
Has anybody got a target weight for 6 frame poly nucs going into winter? I am hefting at the moment but my nucs are increasing in number each year and there has to be a more scientific way of approaching this.
Hi I just make sure they've had enough feed to fill most of the frames by mid Sept,. I put fondant on top with an eke in Oct & a clear crown board (so I can keep an eye on it without disturbing them), for insurance & then check this every couple of weeks or so, depending on how much you've put on. Like you, find it too tricky to judge by weight alone.
I run 5 frame Lang jumbo poly nucs. Anything over 14kg is fine.

I have a few poly 5 frame National nucs.. 10kg is tops.

So for 6 frames around 11-12 Kg.
Hi I just make sure they've had enough feed to fill most of the frames by mid Sept,. I put fondant on top with an eke in Oct & a clear crown board (so I can keep an eye on it without disturbing them), for insurance & then check this every couple of weeks or so, depending on how much you've put on. Like you, find it too tricky to judge by weight alone.
If it's a maisemore 6 frame poly nuc I aim for 12.5 kg but some are 11.5, 10.8 now.
Madasafish is on the money.
I've decided to weigh my hives (with a digital luggage scale) from September through to April this year. At the moment I'm just guessing the weights of empty hives and frames but you may be interested in the gross weights of my four 5-frame polynucs (12x14) at the end of September. I estimate the net weights to be 4.5kg less. The gross weights were: 15.8, 17.2, 19.1, and 20.6kg. Don't imagine that heavier hives meant more feeding - quite the reverse.
I would add: I weigh now and then again at Christmas.. And then February..

And feed fondant as needed.
Thank you all, very useful information.

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