About brood factories
To such I need good layers and big colonies, pollen patty and electrict heating. With such system the colony makes 3 fold brood . When a big colony makes 15 frames brood, a nuc makes 2 frames at same time. I strenghten the nuc, that I get from it a normal productive hive. If hive is too small in main yield, I join smaller hives.
Last spring I saw that if I made a productive nuc first of May, it became a productive colony. But if I made it first of June, it made only nurser bees for main yield.
I must have a box full of brood at the beginning of June, if I hope that the colony helps in honey production.
To accelerate in spring 4 frame nuc with pollen patty and electrict, it makes the nucs sick. They get chalkbrood. I do not know why.