Now I've had to buy freezer

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Drone Bee
Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
East Midlands
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some + a few more
I was asked by some customers to do some Cut Comb and Chunk Honey.
Now I've had to buy a freezer to keep the damn stuff in.
Filled the little spare freezer, filled the space in the main freezer and had more to store. It's not Heather Honey can't be bothered with that fuss.
Luckily found a 450ltr commercial freezer going cheap.
Damn beekeeping always finds a way to empty your pocket for something you never thought you'd need.:LOL::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::LOL:
SWMBO's idea of commission for making sales is to take the honey, charge for it and keep the damn lot. That's also draining!!!
I was asked by some customers to do some Cut Comb and Chunk Honey.
Now I've had to buy a freezer to keep the damn stuff in.
Filled the little spare freezer, filled the space in the main freezer and had more to store. It's not Heather Honey can't be bothered with that fuss.
Luckily found a 450ltr commercial freezer going cheap.
Damn beekeeping always finds a way to empty your pocket for something you never thought you'd need.:LOL::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::LOL:
they can be expensive to run!
they can be expensive to run!
Got no choice it has to be frozen to stop it crystallising. I've done 300 cut comb boxes and got 20 frames for chunk honey. Didn't think this through for a change lol.
This year has been exceptional for us, cut comb, and especially Ross rounds I've never produced as many as this year, we now have three large upright freezers full, plus 200 that won't fit.
Fingers crossed for good sales this coming weekend.
Got no choice it has to be frozen to stop it crystallising. I've done 300 cut comb boxes and got 20 frames for chunk honey. Didn't think this through for a change lol.
Does "ordinary" cut comb attract the same price as heather cut comb?
No, but it is selling at £6.50 wholesale and over £8 retail for approx 8oz.
It's a funny old world. You're not that far from me but I've got 100+ nicely presented 8oz sections that I literally haven't been able to give away in 12mths. Should really landfill them and turn off the freezer to save electricity 🤣
This season all the frames intended for cut comb I've extracted as there's just no market around here for comb.
It's a funny old world. You're not that far from me but I've got 100+ nicely presented 8oz sections that I literally haven't been able to give away in 12mths. Should really landfill them and turn off the freezer to save electricity 🤣

Surely you could offer them for sale here as a job lot if someone else thinks they could sell them?

Done some research on cutcomb as it was nit selling for me .
Most of the survey respondants said... 'it looks lovely....but what do you do with it?' I summise there is a generation of people who just dont know what it is.
They need to be educated....
Cut comb usp is it is guaranteed unadulterated!