no drones in hive

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Drone Bee
Sep 18, 2011
Reaction score
leicester united kingdom
Hive Type
Number of Hives
15 nationals
up to now i haven't had any drone brood on my frames is this a problem, i have 7 frames of brood and they are building up rest and filling with nectar and pollen
Don't want it this time of the year. Wait till next spring/ summer, it will arrive then!
I hade some drone brood in my hives a couple of weeks ago but I expect this may be the last. The bees defiantly fill drone comb that once raised drones with honey as with worker comb at this time of year but I have seen plenty of eggs and worker brood next to empty drone comb on the same frame and wonder if the bees simply remove any eggs in the drone cells or somehow leave the drone cells not polished and ready for an egg so the queen will not lay in them.
Swarming and mating season is over. Winter worker bees will not want drones loafing about eating stores that might not be enough to feed all the workers so they will chuck them all out this time of year anyway.
Swarming and mating season is over.

Thats any bees superceeding, like many do at this time of year completely buggered now then,when was this over then,today,yesterday...last week,still plenty of drones around here,and queens getting mated,still the odd swarm about as well it seems, by reading this forum.
I have quite a bit of drone brood in one hive I’m keeping an eye on. Not too worried but did feel it was a little late for it but as the weather has been quite crazy have put it down to that. I did check a fare bit today for varroa and was pleased to find very little.
Thats any bees superceeding, like many do at this time of year completely buggered now then,when was this over then,today,yesterday...last week,still plenty of drones around here,and queens getting mated,still the odd swarm about as well it seems, by reading this forum.

Our latest virgin queen has mated and is laying very well for the time of the year. Think positive I was daft enough to think we would have a VQ for the winter:)
Thats any bees superceeding, like many do at this time of year completely buggered now then,when was this over then,today,yesterday...last week,still plenty of drones around here,and queens getting mated,still the odd swarm about as well it seems, by reading this forum.

:iagree:Still have loads in mine and they don't seem to be kicking them out. Guess it depends on location/weather....
I thought mine were chucking the drones out because they were Yorkshire women. "Last of the Summer Wine" may be fiction, but the female characters at least are rooted in fact.

I'd been thinking of building the poor devils a shed.
"up to now i haven't had any drone brood on my frames is this a problem"

how long have you had the bees?

drones only made when potentially needed.
got my bes in June, and thought i might have some drone, they were on five frames bias now on seven full of brood no arc of stores, but end frames loading up with stores
One of my hives is devoid of drones, watched them being booted out yesterday.

Ground outside is covered with them.

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