Nhs summary care record

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hedgerow pete

Queen Bee
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
UK, Birmingham, Sandwell. Pork scratching Bandit c
Hive Type
Just came home to sit down for my tea and was handed a letter from good old big brother. he want to keep a copy of my primary care details on the computer.

I like the idea but since my quack is so stupid he has managed to lose all my medical health records. I mean all of them absolutly every single one, from birth throught to malaria and bullet holes and back injuries and more the whole lot gone and now he wants to put even more on the computer system??

thanks but no thanks, if i have a medical problem i will buy a medical alert braclet as everyone has done before.

so what do you reckon good choice or bad?
WSith the last few weeks I've had the less contact anyone csn hsve with doctors the better.

Bracelet all the way. Good for us paramedics toonot worthy
A lot depends on who you would like to read (or even amend) your medical records. Confidentiality in the NHS is, to put it kindly, not as stringent as it might be, and if you have anything you'd prefer the neighbours not to know, stay off their computer system. OK, staff can draw and read paper records too, but access is far too easy on line, and that's without taking any hackers into consideration.
I've worked in the NHS since 1975 as clinician and manager.

I opted out of the scheme because I have no faith whatsoever in the NHS's ability to keep electronic records secure.

Oh I'm perfectly sure that theoretically the system is suitably fire-walled and procedurally hedged about with secure structures. It's not that - it's the "Oh bugger" moments when some twit leaves a cd with 2 million records on a bus, or a researcher has her laptop nicked from a car, or a memory stick falls out of someone's pocket. Then there are the hackers.......

And in practice it's a waste of time. If I'm ill or injured and conscious, I can tell people about my problems, medication etc; I'm also likely to be with someone who knows me and/or carries info about my next of kin. And if I'm too ill or unconscious to tell others, I'd expect a hospital to be doing it's own tests on the full range of basic conditions and systems. So the care record system is irrelevant.

No, I don't trust the buggers - and I'm one of them!
Whilst I agree with most of the above, as far as I know most surgeries now keep medical records on the computer. What's to stop them getting hacked or losing your details?
Just came home to sit down for my tea and was handed a letter from good old big brother. he want to keep a copy of my primary care details on the computer.

I like the idea but since my quack is so stupid he has managed to lose all my medical health records. I mean all of them absolutly every single one, from birth throught to malaria and bullet holes and back injuries and more the whole lot gone and now he wants to put even more on the computer system??

thanks but no thanks, if i have a medical problem i will buy a medical alert braclet as everyone has done before.

so what do you reckon good choice or bad?
My records likewise , even my military records . The MOD were quite adamant that I had never served in the RAF!.
Luckily I had kept my service record book and was able to prove them wrong .
I subsequently followed up my service number only to find that the sequence of numbers that mine is one of, is listed as not having been issued .
'I wonder if being irradiated over a 10 month period in the late fifties has anything to do with it?'
Cynical me :)

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