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New Bee
Jun 20, 2023
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Hi my name is Suze and I am new to beekeeping , have had my first nuc of bees about 6 weeks now and I’m loving it. I have 2 flow hives on my allotment but only one is set up at the mo I have been studying beekeeping for over a year now theory wise but nothing can compare with actually doing it I am looking forward to learning as much as my little brain can hold 😁
Where are you based. Never been sure how you would extract thicker partially crystallised honey from a flow hive so let us know you get on
Welcome Suze. Can you put your location in your profile. It will help anybody answering any of your questions.
Where are you based. Never been sure how you would extract thicker partially crystallised honey from a flow hive so let us know you get on
You don’t put a flow super on where that is a danger. If you’re near OSR you wait till that’s gone and use an ordinary Langstroth super first.
You don’t put a flow super on where that is a danger. If you’re near OSR you wait till that’s gone and use an ordinary Langstroth super first.
If you have been told that by anyone, but you've told them now!😉
Where are you based. Never been sure how you would extract thicker partially crystallised honey from a flow hive so let us know you get on
I based in Grimsby Uk ,I will let you know but think it will be a while as I’ve only just put the sup on got the flow hive as I’m based on a allotment there are a few family’s so think it might be educational for children to come and draw there own jar of honey
You don’t put a flow super on where that is a danger. If you’re near OSR you wait till that’s gone and use an ordinary Langstroth super first.
Didn’t know that but I don’t think there’s any rapseed crops near me nearest fields are about 10 miles away
Didn’t know that but I don’t think there’s any rapseed crops near me nearest fields are about 10 miles away
Depending on just which part of Grimsby you are I'd be surprised if you aren't within foraging range of some OSR. Next spring might be an interesting experience for you.
Autumn may also be interesting with the ivy if a super is left on.
Hi @Suze I have 8 FlowHives and I remove the super at the end of Autumn, since I treat all my colonies for varroa and allow the bees to build their stores for winter. I have fellow FlowHive beekeepers I have mentored and they have harvested OSR from their FlowHive without any issue. There is a trick on harvesting successful the OSR, you need to just as it is capped, don't wait too long. The little that gets crystallise the bees will convert back into liquid for you to harvest the following week.

As the number of bees drop they will move down to the brood box and leave the super, therefore any honey in the super would start to set, I usually keep my colonies on double brood depending on the colony size.
You can follow me on instagram or YouTube beekeeping blog, you will get ideas for your beekeeping management from my mistakes and posts I have made.
Hi @Suze I have 8 FlowHives and I remove the super at the end of Autumn, since I treat all my colonies for varroa and allow the bees to build their stores for winter. I have fellow FlowHive beekeepers I have mentored and they have harvested OSR from their FlowHive without any issue. There is a trick on harvesting successful the OSR, you need to just as it is capped, don't wait too long. The little that gets crystallise the bees will convert back into liquid for you to harvest the following week.

As the number of bees drop they will move down to the brood box and leave the super, therefore any honey in the super would start to set, I usually keep my colonies on double brood depending on the colony size.
Thanks paras good to know about the our, I was wondering if to remove the super through winter would I be all right storing the flow frames in the freezer till need I was al so going to put another brood box on too, I am going to follow you on you tube as any info I can get is all good thanks again
Thanks paras good to know about the our, I was wondering if to remove the super through winter would I be all right storing the flow frames in the freezer till need I was al so going to put another brood box on too, I am going to follow you on you tube as any info I can get is all good thanks again
I leave my FlowHive Super in a storage box near my apiary, after the bees have cleaned them out and drained them before I store them. I remove supers off end of Aug beginning on Sept and they are back on the hives in April as long as the colony is strong. However It's warmer here in London compared to where you are so you might need to get your timing based on your weather.
All my FlowHives are 8's and therefore I use on stronger colonies 2 brood box and winter with them. However the 10's you can use a traditional super and leave the bees for to winter in. On the 1st year you would have to feed if they don't have enough stores. Hope that helps
All my FlowHives are 8's and therefore I use on stronger colonies 2 brood box and winter with them. However the 10's you can use a traditional super and leave the bees for to winter in. On the 1st year you would have to feed if they don't have enough stores. Hope that helps
Thanks for helping out on the forum Paras. Few of us on here have flow hives so your expertise is brilliant. Please stay on the forum and help out others with flow hives. You are a star
The management of the brood box is the same as traditional beekeeping, you still need to ensure you have a good healthy colony, and there is no diseases or issues. If the health is good and good swarm control management is done, a good nectar flow would fill the FlowHive Super 2/3 times in the season depending on how the flow in the area you are based. The beauty of the FlowHive you can harvest one or more frames as soon as it is capped.

Harvesting honey, I don't sit around and harvest into each jars, I harvest into a honey bucket with a food grade tube from the FlowHive to the bucket. After each frame is harvested I take this in the house and Jar on the same day. Last year we harvested 220kgs and took us very little time from harvest to jarring.