Swienty National Poly Hive with 2 Supers, Frames & Foundation - £169.99
Swienty National 14 x 12 Poly Hive with 2 Supers,Frames & Foundation - £189.99
Swienty National 14 x 12 Poly Hive with 2 Supers,Frames & Foundation - £189.99
So am I!!Sorry your not near Shrewsbury as having reached 92 I have to give up beekeeping so I have to get rid of everything that you might need and lots more
Haven’t made my mind up yet on wood vs poly. Leaning towards wood on less plastic grounds but still doing research.
OP doesn't know what his flows are like yetThat's more like it.
Forget the idea that one brood and two supers (standard supplier combo) will be enough, because when your queen fills the brood box quickly and a major flow starts, you're stuffed. I'd stock an extra brood per colony and as JBM said, three supers.
In the height of the season the last thing that you want to do is go online to order extras and find they're out of stock, or will be with you in a week. No matter the upfront expense, you can recoup some of it by selling honey at a good price at the end of the season.
If wood, then a buy a deep roof and put a block of celotex in it.Haven’t made my mind up yet on wood vs poly. Leaning towards wood on less plastic grounds but still doing research.
Don’t waste your time with a bee brush! I bought one as a newbee, the bees hate it. And so do I!Thanks that’s a good addition
Been tied up since early august with treatment but where I live is very rural. We have loads of blackthorn early season, then may blossom, lots of ash, sycamore, oak and hazel. Later on blackberry and meadow flowers. There is some Himalayan balsam but I try and eradicate that if I can.OP doesn't know what his flows are like yet
I agree with you though Eric and jbm.
@Big ears i was wondering have you spent any time this year having a walk around to see what forage there is for your bees.
Maybe even look at Google earth and map a 1 and 3-4 mile circle around where they will be sited.
or vehicleblowlamp to light smoker
What is the veil like on this suit?I just bought a three layer ventilated suit for £40 delivered from Pakistan.
Depends what you use the brush for. I find it handy for removing a few stragglers from supers. I've never tried it for brushing bees off a frame.Don’t waste your time with a bee brush! I bought one as a newbee, the bees hate it. And so do I!
When looking for queen cells how do you clear a frame without a brush ?Don’t waste your time with a bee brush! I bought one as a newbee, the bees hate it. And so do I!
Yellow painted hive tools are generally made from mild steel, buy a decent stainless one and keep it in your hand, when not in the soda box. Learn to work with it, like it was one of your fingers.extra hive tool - paint yellow and blowlamp to light smoker