New Bee
Hi all,
Just looking for a bit of advice and to meet new people. I haven't had a hive before but have helped a little with a beekeeper in Portugal who kept Iberian bees! Anyway, I have been very keen to have my own hive for some time now and managed to aquire a couple of Langstroths, which I cleaned up and ran round with a blow torch. I am on a very tight budget, so couldn't afford a Nuc. I thought I would try and lure a swarm, so I set up a full hive with ten frames in a brood box. I also set up another one which I made from a solid bottom board and a spare brood chamber I had. I only put 4 or 5 frames in this one and set it on my neighbours shed roof, there is a platform next it so I can access the hive. I forgot about it and was sure I would get a swarm in the full hive as there was a lot of interest!! Nope! They opted for my handi craft, I suspect as it is about 2 metres off the ground. I improvised a lid for it too, but will change it to a proper one when I inspect it sometime next week. Anyways, I have been thinking of an action plan and have my concerns about where they will be drawing comb, if they will go for the frames or start building in an awkward spot? I will be adding the additional frames when I open it up and inspect. Any advice would be much appreciated. I have been sat watching them for about two days now!
Just looking for a bit of advice and to meet new people. I haven't had a hive before but have helped a little with a beekeeper in Portugal who kept Iberian bees! Anyway, I have been very keen to have my own hive for some time now and managed to aquire a couple of Langstroths, which I cleaned up and ran round with a blow torch. I am on a very tight budget, so couldn't afford a Nuc. I thought I would try and lure a swarm, so I set up a full hive with ten frames in a brood box. I also set up another one which I made from a solid bottom board and a spare brood chamber I had. I only put 4 or 5 frames in this one and set it on my neighbours shed roof, there is a platform next it so I can access the hive. I forgot about it and was sure I would get a swarm in the full hive as there was a lot of interest!! Nope! They opted for my handi craft, I suspect as it is about 2 metres off the ground. I improvised a lid for it too, but will change it to a proper one when I inspect it sometime next week. Anyways, I have been thinking of an action plan and have my concerns about where they will be drawing comb, if they will go for the frames or start building in an awkward spot? I will be adding the additional frames when I open it up and inspect. Any advice would be much appreciated. I have been sat watching them for about two days now!