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Queen Bee
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Isle Of Wight
Hive Type
Number of Hives
How long is a piece of string
History * They have swarmed quiet a bit from what i have been told. So this would be a 2010 mated Q. In a National ,1 BB with 2 supers honey 2010.
Very grumpy when you open the lid but 2 supers of honey after swarming umm 3 times plus i think if i remember right .

I need to move this hive about 150ft , a bit late i know but it's got to be moved. Options please.

I was thinking of putting another BB on so as to give them plenty of room.I have no experience of nats is this a good idea ? Would this maybe slow down the swarming instinct ?

Thoughts please :bigear:
1. move them up to 2-3ft a day

2. move them to an alternative apiary 3 miles + away for a few days then back to where you want them sited.

3. Wait for a horrid day and then move them. Block the entrance with grass by the time they remove it they should not attempt to return to their old site

not a fan of double brood, I would either buy an eke or make one and upgrade to 14x12 or swap to langstroth hives
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I would wait for a cold period ...'one will be along any minute sir'...

I'd block them in and move them and then place a big branch in-front of the hive
I'd keep them in for a few days. ...

I placed my branch from floor to roof with the base about 3 foot from the hive and this forced most to do a re-orientation.

I'd place an old Nuc or hive in the old position just to collect any bees returning.

Your safe bet, irrespective of weather, has to be Mikes option 2 - 3m rule, even if its a friends garden for a few flying days, make the moves mid evening, they should have stopped flying by 5pm at this time of year. Hopefully the new site can 'tollerate' the grumpy madams for a few days. R

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